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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
(05-06-2021, 09:13 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: Gurkagh will step up to D8, grabs the chair and sweeps irt  across at the creature.

Improvised two handed weapon - height advantage [1d20+3]=20+3=23; Damage [1d8+3]=5+3=8  Possible Crit
Crit Confirm [1d20+3]=13+3=16
Assuming he did not confirm the crit.. 8 damage as the creature is struck by Gurkagh wielding the chair.

  [Gurkagh's forte, thrown improvised weapon,,  two handed large object will be d8 dmg]

[OoC: If you are throwing the chair, where is your height advantage coming from?  If you were climbing up on the table, that would be D-7 not D-8. ]
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(05-06-2021, 09:20 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: Eva moves to G9 and uses her Nanite Surge (+5 attack)

Eva's longbow attack + 5 nanite surge: [1d20+12]=20+12=32 (+5 base, +1 masterwork, +1 PBS, +5 nanite), damage: [1d8+3]=6+3=9 (+1 STR, +1 PBS, +1 enhancement bonus arcane pool)

Critical without nanite?

Eva's longbow attack: [1d20+7]=16+7=23 damage: [1d8+3]=8+3=11 (+1 STR, +1 PBS, +1 enhancement bonus arcane pool)

[ooc - I hope it's a critical hit Big Grin]

[OoC: Since he no longer has a cover bonus and he moved his dodge bonus feat to Cyn, it's a pretty good bet that the critical is going to stick.  So yes, you criticaled him even without the Nanites. Tongue ]

[OoC: Just waiting on Reawyn to complete his action and for Gurkagh to explain where the height advantage is coming from.  Not that it really matters since he rolled a 20, I just like to know what I'm describing. ]
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(05-06-2021, 09:45 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(05-06-2021, 09:13 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: Gurkagh will step up to D8, grabs the chair and sweeps irt  across at the creature.

Improvised two handed weapon - height advantage [1d20+3]=20+3=23; Damage [1d8+3]=5+3=8  Possible Crit
Crit Confirm [1d20+3]=13+3=16
Assuming he did not confirm the crit.. 8 damage as the creature is struck by Gurkagh wielding the chair.

  [Gurkagh's forte, thrown improvised weapon,,  two handed large object will be d8 dmg]

[OoC: If you are throwing the chair, where is your height advantage coming from?  If you were climbing up on the table, that would be D-7 not D-8. ]
It's not a height advantage.. I thought the creature was on the table and had height advantage so I took a PENALTY

But according to the map he is not on the table so now I am confused.

I also changed Gurkagh from throwing the chair to wielding it in melee, but forgot to edit the thrown part out ofd the OoC
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Reawyn lobs a healing bomb at Essacus, needing to hit his unconscious touch AC., and almost missing.

Healing bomb attack [1d20+4]=2+4=6; Healing [1d8+2]=6+2=8 Heals Essacus 8 p, splash unfortunately will heal the creature 3 hp.
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(05-06-2021, 10:21 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: But according to the map he is not on the table so now I am confused.

I also changed Gurkagh from throwing the chair to wielding it in melee, but forgot to edit the thrown part out ofd the OoC

[OoC: The humanoid was at one time standing on the table.  But then Cyn posted she made a mistake with her critical damage.  A gun critical is x4 not x2 so the damage to the humanoid was much more severe than I first thought.  Due to her lucky shot removing two thirds of his health, it didn't make sense anymore that he would be so be so cocky to give up most of his attacks to jump on table, just to be within AoO range of both Reawyn and Cyn.  With the change in damage, I updated his action so he would take a 5' step and attack Cyn with all 4 attacks, hoping to eliminate her quickly.  Unfortunately the dice gods had other plans and he missed with every slash and slam attack.] 

(05-02-2021, 07:45 AM)GM Marvel Wrote:
Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
15.2Reawyn------15/ 15------
12.9Eva------17/ 17------
12.8Humanoid---+3 damage, +3 damage, +20 damage55/ ??? ------
21.6Essaccus+8 hit points7/ 11---
5.4Cin------18/ 18------
4.2Gurkagh------10/ 10------

[OoC2: Gurkagh, I assume you mean you move to E-8 because you can't hit the humanoid from D-8]

After Cyn steps back and fires her pistol and misses, Gurkagh steps into the spot she just left and with 2 hands he bashes the humanoid in the head.  The creature stumbles to one knee from the attack but it doesn't seem to do as much as he hoped.  [3 damage]

[OoC3: Reawyn, you are going to miss because the humanoid acts soft cover against E10 (-4 to hit).  You can move to avoid the cover. And do you have precise shot?  E10 is not considered to be engaged in melee so you don't need it here but it would nice to know for the future.  I don't see Feats in your signature and your one drive sheet is a pain in the ass for me to open.] 

Assuming Reawyn moves, he throws his healing bomb at E10.  It hits him and he slowly wakes up.  The splash strikes the humanoid and begins to sizzle his flesh causing him to bellow in pain.

Then finally Eva fires an arrow which nails it between the eyes.  The humanoid face plants into the floor. Finally dead.

[OoC4: Why did it seem like this combat was a lot more complicated then it should've been.  Huh ]
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[OoC yes teh change in movement confused me as to it's location, similar result though so all good]
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No Reawyn does not have Precise Shot/Point Blank, irt ios my next planned feat actually.
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(05-11-2021, 03:03 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: Assuming Reawyn moves, he throws his healing bomb at E10.  It hits him and he slowly wakes up.  The splash strikes the humanoid and begins to sizzle his flesh causing him to bellow in pain.

Then finally Eva fires an arrow which nails it between the eyes.  The humanoid face plants into the floor. Finally dead.

Eva pulls out her arrow from the humanoid's head and checks the creature is he really dead or unconscious.

This was a very tough and dangerous alien I don't trust him - she kicks him in the head. If she thinks that he is really dead then she examines his equipment and him too. (take20).
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Reawyn will join Eva in searching the fallen foe.

[Aid another on take 20 = 25 grants +2 to Eva's take 20]]
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You both search his body and find,
  • Javelins (x2) (Covered with E10's blood)
  • mwk short sword (x2)
  • A red cloak
  • Tattered Trousers
  • A pouch belt with 40gp's inside.

He appears to be some kind of Alien creature and if you haven't realized by now, it seems to have been dead for a very long time.  If you have a point in Knowledge local, you can attempt to figure out what race this rare creature is.  

[[When I say rare, it's a hint that you'll need a very high roll.]]
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