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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[OoC: Ok, I can add a couple of the actions you've posted...]

[OoC2: Any creature with a Constitution is considered alive.  So your Turning/Healing does heal the Elemental but you will need to move around [H-8] to reach it and not hit the Spider-Thing. I will assume that you're moving to H-8.  If there's a different spot you want to go, please let me know.]

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
24.7Spider Creature---+841/????------
24.4Ning/Nang+6pts +5pts7pts +19pts + 10pts2/ 27---Mirror Image 2; Spitfire returns: [1d4]=4; (start of 3nd round)
19.1Selina+5pts---29/ 30 (max 50)10pts Con damage---
18.9Old Woman------??/??------
18.5Simon------49/ 49------
11.6Kubo------31/ 31 ------
10.5Betimi------51/ 40 (+11 bonus refreshed every day)------
5.1Crozar------7/ 7------
5.1Elemental+5pts+11pts +11pts +8pts20/ 45Grappled---
5.0Tomeal------57/ 57------

[Luceat: HD: 6; HP: 45; Speed: 50; AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13);  Slam +7 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 fire); Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse]

Nang feels the Crit against brother in his soul.  Seconds later Ning's consciousness fades away again.  ~Ning! Wake up!~  Nang does the only thing he can do without leaving Ning's body.  Healing Touch!  [Gain 6 hit points]  [Ning is now at -3 hit points]  Nang begins to despair that his heal power did not resuscitate his brother. 

Selina then beseeches Selune for help once again.  Suddenly wave after wave of silvery light showers the group, healing some of their wounds. [+5 hit points to Ning, Selina and the elemental].

Ning wakes up!

Betimi yells at the plow to get into the fight.  The Plow peers around the corner of the shack with one of its shivering handles and shakes it back and forth like it's replying, 'No!'

Inside, the Old woman is just finishing preparing components when she hears that her big tough plow is hiding, again.  "YOU PILE OF SCRAP METAL!  YOU GET OUT THERE AND FIGHT BEFORE I HAVE YOU DISMANTLED!  NOW GIT!"  

The Plow's handle droops slightly, then crawls out from behind the shack and skitters toward the Spider-Thing.  

Attack of Opportunity: [1d20+15]=7+15=22, Damage: [1d6+6]=2+6=8; Hit!!  No Damage!

The Plow then rears up a blade and slashes down into the creature...

Plow attack: [1d20+14]=12+14=26, Damage: [1d8+6]=2+6=8; HIT!  8 damage!

The old woman finally says, "Oh, Frazzlin, dadgummit!"  She then points at Ning/Nang and suddenly both watch as a cloud envelopes their vision, they feel the tentacles release their bodies and they begin to drift away.  They both hear the old woman yell in a distant voice, "Don't just float there!  FLY!"

[Nang has been affected by a Gaseous Form. Ning may take an immediate move action that it can only use to move (and not to draw a weapon, etc.), and avoid some barriers by flowing through cracks (like the shack walls). The benefits the ally gains apply only during the old woman's turn. Thus, at the end oher turn, the Ning reverts to its natural form.]

[Image: GdT4J0w.png]
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[[All we need. I hope... Huh...and here I thought Gaseous Form was 2 minutes per level...]]
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(05-03-2021, 11:56 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[All we need.  I hope...  Huh...and here I thought Gaseous Form was 2 minutes per level...]]

[Actually, I made a slight error.  The ability only last during the Old woman's turn.  Ning can take an immediate action to move up to his speed and then he reverts back to normal at the end of the old woman's turn.  So it doesn't even last a round.]
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[[So he can gas further into her home and then fly out the other side.]]
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Ning is going to fly 20' straight up, hopefully out of reach of the creature.
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(05-04-2021, 12:11 AM)Ningalu Baal'urki Wrote: Ning is going to fly 20' straight up, hopefully out of reach of the creature.

[[Was there a reason you chose 20'?  Your max move is 30'. ]]
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Yes, because when i breath downward with spit-fire the farther away I am, the wider the cone spreads and the tougher it will be to avoid hitting allies.
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[[Spitfire at its rear. There's no one there...yet. >.>]]
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Gotta avoid hitting teh protection from chaos pumpkin patch though.. finesse is everything
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Crozar will move around to L-17 as it reloads the rivebow. It knows that closing with the spider thing would improve its chances to hit, but it has also seen the crippling blows that the thing is dealing and knows that even getting close to it would likely just put the plant in the ground. Sighing regretfully Crozar takes careful aim into the fray and fires. Rivebow: [1d20+3]=9+3=12 The shot goes wide, the chakri burying into the ground need a pumpkin at the other edge of the circle. "At least the poor Luceat is in where it can do something." The elementarii commands the Elemental to release its fury and free itself.
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