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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OOC - Ooops, I thought the creature will act again at the start of the round after Cyn and Gurkagh. ]

I have meant clear shot if he leaves the cover (shot without penalties) or if he tries to attack E10 and Eva notices that.  So she fires activating her arcane pool and also delivering a ray of frost spell.

Eva's longbow attack: [1d20+7]=17+7=24 damage: [1d8+3]=1+3=4 (str,pbs,pool)
Ray of frost [1d3]=1
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  1. 21.6 Essaccus: 1 + 9 = 10 damage! HEALED 5pts = (6/11) - 8 damage = (-2/11 Hit Points)
  2. 15.2 Reawyn (15/15 Hit Points)
  3. 12.9 Eva (17/17 Hit Points)
  4. 12.8 Humanoid (0 damage/?? Hit Points)
  5. 5.4 Cyn (18/18 Hit Points)
  6. 4.2 Gurkagh (10/ 10 Hit Points)

Eva fires longbow at the creature but with his defensive training he dodges the arrow. 

[FYI:  Even without the pillar providing him cover you would have missed.  Undecided  This guy is basically the Boss of this area! ]

The green humanoid draws another Javelin, then hurls it at his easiest target. 

Javelin attack: [1d20+7]=17+7=24, Damage: [1d6+4]=4+4=8

The Javelin flies through the air and buries itself deep into Essaccus's gut!  Blood bursts from the wound as the Android drops to his knees, then face plants into the ground.  [8 damage!  You're at -2 hit points.]

[Cyn and Gurkagh's turns.  Then Eva and Reawyn's turns.]

[Image: OC4VjUI.png]
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Cin runs into the room and stops beside Eva.

While packing the powder and bullet into the muzzle of her pistol, she says, "We have to give the Shaman cover so he can try to revive the monk.  Then when we win, we'll have to have a talk with him about using cover!"

[Rapid Reload allows her to reload her pistols as a Move action.  Cartridges can be loaded as a Free Action]
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[OoC well crap.. so much for Gurkagh's planned action. it's pretty bad when the man with a negative int modifier wants to call you an idiot]

Gurkagh is goingto run into the room to E-10, but he is not about to stop there and start casting a heal spell. He's not that stupod, instead he will grab E-10 and drag him behind the pillar if he can. [He'll simply have to bleed for another round.]
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Reawyn will take a double move to C-8, ducking down behind the large table for cover.
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  1. 21.6 Essaccus: 1 + 9 = 10 damage! HEALED 5pts = (6/11) - 8 damage = (-2/11 Hit Points) DYING!
  2. 15.2 Reawyn (15/15 Hit Points)
  3. 12.9 Eva (17/17 Hit Points)
  4. 12.8 Humanoid (0 damage/?? Hit Points)
  5. 5.4 Cyn (18/18 Hit Points)
  6. 4.2 Gurkagh (10/ 10 Hit Points)

Cyn runs into the room and hides beside Eva, behind the pillar.  

Gurkagh runs to the unconscious monk, grabs a leg, and then drags him behind the two ladies who are hiding behind the piller.

[OoC:  Essaccus, please make a Constitution check at -2 to try to stabilize yourself.  You will die when you reach -14 (your constitution score) ]

[It's now Reawyn and Eva's turns! ]

[Image: S7lFAV3.png]
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Reawyn 's turn is posted just before your post
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Eva casts a Shield spell and holds her position.

This creature is very skillful, caused fatal wounds and dodged my great shot too. We also need E10 to defeat him.
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Constitution Save = [1d20+2]=12+2=14
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[OoC: That is what I get when I can't properly view the map, before trying to make a tactical decision. Sorry guys]
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