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[IC] Into Barovia
"I can take you to the Burgomaster's home," Ismark replies while swallowing a mouthful of watered down wine.  "But I need to ask you all something.  I know we've only just met but I'm desperate.  I need help protecting my adopted sister, Ireena Kolyana.  The ruler of this land, the Devil Strahd, has some kind of obsession with her and he desires her above all others!  All of you carry yourselves like seasoned warriors or adventurers so you might be my last and best hope!"
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"It seems she is already tied into this plot, as the letter that lured us here clearly states. The question is why would somone falsify the letter, when they could have just made the request such as you are now."

"I cannot speak for the others, but I would wish to speak with Ireena my self, to guage her feelings on the matter."
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"Before we head out onto another quest, we should look to see if there's any equipment we need.  If there is, we should find an equipment shop."
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Rhoderic leans back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest in thought and says, "Agreed!".
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Eloric looks over at Reion with a side eye, then back to the group to finally rest on Ismark.  Something in his gaze turns steely and he seems to sober up a bit. "Strahd, is not an enemy you want." Eloric says darkly, "Trust me when I say …I know this from experience."
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Reion waves a hand toward Eloric to shush him. This Ismark fellow looked like he might actually have two coins to rub together.  Which was more than ninety percent of anyone still stuck in this gods forsaken town. So, maybe there was some opportunity here.  "What my friend is trying to say … is that out time is valuable. What sort of compensation are we looking at if we aid you and your aaah …sister …was it?"
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(04-06-2021, 12:39 AM)Reion Hallowbrook Wrote: Reion waves a hand toward Eloric to shush him. This Ismark fellow looked like he might actually have two coins to rub together.  Which was more than ninety percent of anyone still stuck in this gods forsaken town. So, maybe there was some opportunity here.  "What my friend is trying to say … is that out time is valuable. What sort of compensation are we looking at if we aid you and your aaah …sister …was it?"

"I do not know how much is in my father's coffers but I'm sure he would offer every copper he could spare for Ireena's safety.  And of course, you could keep whatever treasure you've unearthed while in pursuit of your goals as long as it doesn't include outright stealing from the townsfolk."  He then adds, "I live in this village, sir,"  Ismark states to Eloric. "I'm well aware of what kind of enemy, the Devil, Strahd is and what he's capable.  But at the moment it's Ireena's safety that is most important.  He has a dangerous obsession with her so that automatically makes him my enemy!"
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"Nevertheless, I still insist we talk to your sister directly, to see if she shares your concerns. You would not be the first brother, nor father, whose protection is .. unwanted."
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Ismark nods.  "Of course you may speak with her.  Then you will see this is not simply a family being over protective.  Ireena is in serious danger."
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