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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Rupert will collect his longsword, and stow his palm pistols and smoke powder in his footlocker (as they are too dangerous to use while out in the phlogstone).
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Melville, will while the ship is shifting position, use a ritual to cast Comprehend Languages (duration 1 hour).

[OoC detect magic is concentration and lasts a max 1 minute so is notr of use to cast in advance here]
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Engram Anders sets up his simple shrine in the hold and prays to the powers of wildspace and the void.  He suits up in armor and takes up his pack and weapons.  Nodding to himself he heads up to the deck to prepare to cross to the ghost Wasp.  When he catches up with the rest of the away party he says, "Thanks for bringing me along.  If anything jumps us, I'll bring a Blessing of the Void on all of us for an advantage right from the start."
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[OoC: I'm new to 5e but isn't Rupert's hit points wrong?  My calculations give him a minimum of 25 hit points but he only has 17.]

[OoC2: May I suggest writing down your rolls (including Constitution) so it's easier to keep track of hit points?  At low levels it's easy to figure out there's a mistake but at higher levels the difference between maximum and minimum is larger and easier to forget a roll and have no way of proving there's a mistake.  It's also helpful when you get energy drained (especially in 3.5 and pathfinder where you lose levels.  Rolling maximum to see how many hit points you lose when you rolled minimum and have no way to prove it, for your last level really sucks.)]

"I suggest Rupert lead the way.  [If I'm right] He's more durable and better armored than the rest of us.  Anders [is probably] the next sturdiest; then me and Melville.  Once we get on the ship, Melville and I can switch positions to protect his back.  If we have any, can we get one or two healing potions in case Anders is busy turning undead or is unconscious. Questions?  Comments?  If not, lets go."
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As the ship gets into position and the four of you gather, Threadvine presents each of you with a flask full of glittering red liquid.  "You and I are thinking along the same lines, Bazz.  Each of these are a Greater Healing potions." [[4d4+4 healing when drunk]] He says, "It's your landing so you get to make the call, do you want to board on the 'head' or the weapons deck?  Boarding at the head will be easier, and gives you direct access to both the helmroom and the main deck door, but if anyone or anything is on the ship that is how they would be expecting you to come in.  You can also go in from the weapons deck, which would be more of a surprise if anyone is waiting inside, but is trickier to board as you will have to walk along the wingspar of the Wasp and those do not look in good condition.  Which way do you want to go in?

Anders shifts in his chain mail and says, "Personally, I would prefer going in at the head."  He adds, "I almost forgot, I do have one boon I can grant all of us before we cross.  I can extend starlight sight to all of us."  He closes his eyes and murmurs a quick prayer.  When he opens his eyes again, you can see mystical starlight reflecting from them.  You each feel a divine aura surrounding you, that you can decline if you like. [[Only affects willing creatures. If you allow it, your are granted 300' darkvision for 1 hour.  It should be noted that the light of the phlogiston counts as a universal dim light.]]  Threadvine is coincidentally in the area of effect, and his eyes also take on the subtle luminous shine.

Drawing close to the Wasp, you can easily hear the soft groaning of the worn timbers of the old ship has it shifts and twists slightly in the swirling vapor of the Flow against the boarding lines that hold it. A faint smell of stagnant water can be detected coming from the vessel.

[[OOC: Boarding at the head will require everyone to make a DC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics check to safely jump over to the deck.  Walking the wing spars will take a DC13 Athletics or Acrobatics check to make it across.  A significant failure may indicate that the spar is collapsing, which will raise the difficulty for anyone behind that person.

Everyone can give me a History or Carpentry Tools check to see if you happen to be familiar with the standard floor plans of a Wasp, or you can ask among the crew to see if anyone else does.  Just from looking at it, it is a small ship so the layout of the insides can't be too complex regardless.]]

[Image: 2vrs93s5y8x41.png?width=960&crop=smart&a...28e96f6294]
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[OoC: What is the Boon Anders can give everyone? ]

[OoC2: Has the Wasp been pulled away from the tree?  I would rather have some distance between them so nothing can leap from the tree to the wasp.]

"I suggest we tie a rope between us so we can easily retrieve anyone who falls."

[OoC3: If say, Rupert is successful jumping to the other side, couldn't we use the rope to help other people jump over? ]

History: [1d20+4]=9+4=13
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(03-18-2021, 04:11 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [OoC: What is the Boon Anders can give everyone? ]

The boon is the 300' darkvision referenced in that same paragraph.

[OoC2: Has the Wasp been pulled away from the tree?  I would rather have some distance between them so nothing can leap from the tree to the wasp.]

The thick tether line between the Wasp and the tree has been cut.  Chick is holding the Riposte on the outside edge of the Flow whirlpool the tree is in the center of.  That gives you roughly 150' of clearance from the tree trunk and roughly the 100' from the roots and upper branches, the farthest you can be from it without being subject to flow currents actively pulling the ship away.  You can picture the tree as kind of an apple core structure with the Riposte sitting in space as equidistant from the structure as possible, but still inside the whirlpool itself.

[OoC3: If say, Rupert is successful jumping to the other side, couldn't we use the rope to help other people jump over? ]

It would give anyone following behind advantage on the check.
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[OoC: the HP and AC have gotten switched around in my signature]
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Rupert suggests we cross at the head, he is uncertain that the wing spars will hold his great weight. He attempts the jump with a rope tied around his waist to help those behind him, at the head. Athletics Check =[1d20+5]=9+5=14
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"My vote is the head, I am not agile enough to dare the wings."

History [1d20+3]=1+3=4

Once Rupert is safely across Melville will tie a seperate rope around his waist, tie it off on the rail of trhe Riposte, then use Rupert's rope to pull himself across.

Agility [1d20-1]=20-1=19
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