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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
Reawyn will use his longspear to tap the OUTSIDE of the door, even though it cannot be seen due to the holo-projectors, to see if the door has a differrent feel or sound to it than the rock wall. Ie.  a metal sound?

"after we check thois room again we need to back track along the path and find other secret doorways. The only reason for the path to wind so much is that there are several destinations along the path, hidden from view."
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Eva didn't find the fuse box earlier so she is looking again here for something that can be the high tech 'fuse box' or 'control panel' in this room or in previous rooms.
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Gurkagh, being a little afraid of the electrical chamber, will volunteer to stand guard outside.
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Once Reawyn has finished checking the door so has a better idea what to look for for later witrh other hidden doors, he will gfo into the room and asist Eva in searching for any sort of control/fuse panel.

[Perception +5]
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(02-25-2021, 03:48 AM)Reawyn Wrote: Reawyn will use his longspear to tap the OUTSIDE of the door, even though it cannot be seen due to the holo-projectors, to see if the door has a differrent feel or sound to it than the rock wall. Ie.  a metal sound?

"after we check thois room again we need to back track along the path and find other secret doorways. The only reason for the path to wind so much is that there are several destinations along the path, hidden from view."

The hologram is hiding metal doors.  If you touched it your hand would pass through the hologram by about an inch and then you'd feel cold, smooth metal.
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This holographically hidden door opens to a touch.

This metal room is brightly lit by glowing panels in the ceiling above. To the left and right, complex machines consisting of spiral tubes and nozzles twitch and hum.  

Eva looks around and doesn't find a fuse box but does find what seems to be a control panel located in the center as the spiral tubes and twitching nozzles extend out from either side.

There is also a pair of sliding doors on the opposite side of the room.
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[[Cin has Local Ties which gives her the Technologist feat.  So she will aid anyone in anything they do to try to get passed the room.  ]]

[Perception +8]
[Knowledge Engineering +6 ]
[Disable device +3 ]
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Reawyn also has the full Technologist featt

Perception +5
Disable device +11
Knowledge engineering +7
Craft mechanical +9
Craft clockwork +10
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[[I still need to know what you guys are doing.]]
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ooc - Where can I find the current map? I didn't see it in your signature.

Can we approach the control panel safely and examine it from closer?
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