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[IC] Into Barovia
When the barkeep turns away to fill the pitcher, Aly says under her breath, "And the fun just keeps on leaving..."  

She then introduces herself to the halfling. "Greetings.  My name is Alynorae Eilnathna.  You're the first person we've met who seems at all hospitable."
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"Ya! Thanks for your hospitality! I am Rhoderic!", says Rhoderic as he offers the halfling his hand to shake in greeting.
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(02-24-2021, 02:26 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC:  The woefully depressed Barovians manage to grow just enough food to get by and can make their own wine.  None are interested in spending time on a Saturday night to take the fam out for a bite to eat.  The rare few visitors who are allowed to pass through aren't sticking around to eat.  They just grab something to drink to dull their misery then get the hell out of town. There are much less oppressive places to eat in the next region. You just came from one.  And frankly,  Barovians don't trust strangers so they have no interest in hospitality. ]

The barkeep pours you a pitcher and places 5 glasses on the table.

"Thank you sir"

Sumayl takes the glasses to the table then returns for the pitcher..

While the others take their glasses he drapes his shield on the back of the chair, and his pack on the floor, then eases himself into the chair.

He nods at the otrher figure at the table, "Greetings, I am Sumayl al-Akhir."
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Rhoderic will pull a chair out and offer it to Alynorae, "Here you go my lady!", and then takes a seat himself at the table and says, "Well met! I am Rhoderic!"
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Reion deftly snatches his 3 silver from the bar and shrugs at the innkeeper. "Looks like he's buying. Thanks all the same."  The halfling replied quickly. It wasn't that he didn't have the gold to spare, but he wasn't about to turn his nose up at free wine, even if it was watered down. 

When the elf lady introduced herself he wasn't sure if he should bow or shake her hand or ...do some oddly noble elfy thing.  Granted he had heard tales of bright elves like this lady, but he had never seen any.  He had been fairly certain they were just tales until she walked in. All he had ever interacted with were the grim dusk elves. He resigned to give her a smile and slight bow. "Nice to meet you." At her comment on the locals hospitality Reion nods in understanding, "Yea, humans here are a pretty glum group. Especially the poor sods that insist on staying in this gods forsaken place."

He turns to the other human who offers his hand and gives the man a smile, "Nice to meet you too."  It was nice to see people who weren't on the verge of hanging themselves from a rafter, but that also meant they very likely were not from here in the slightest. 

With introductions completed he followed the humans over to his table and elbowed Eloric in the ribs as he sat down. Hopefully the man got the hint that he needed to be sociable.
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Eloric grunted and almost spit his wine as Reion cracked him in the ribs. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and shook the bit of spilled wine off his fingers with a flat expression for his friend. He then turned a weak smile to the newcomers and raised his glass when the they addressed him. "Eloric. Pleasure to meet you all." 

Then he finished his glass, perking up just slightly at the sight of a new pitcher.
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Rhoderic takes his hat off and sweeps his shoulder length hair to the side behind his slightly pointed elfin ears, revealing his mixed heritage, and then reaches for the pitcher of wine and offers to pour a glass for Alynorea, before pouring one for himself.
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Aly introduces herself to Eloric.  She then thanks Rhodric for pulling out her chair then takes a seat.  

"Do you both live in this town or are you just passing through."
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When the halfling takes back his silver, the barkeep will once again pick up a cloth and start cleaning the glasses one by one.  Once he's finished, he starts at the beginning again and cleans them all over again.

Sitting near the front door, the three gypsy women will take notice of both parties joining each other.  They watch out the corner of their eyes and then continue whisper among themselves.

The other gentleman whose been sitting in the corner continues to openly watch your group with interest.  He doesn't have the same dour expression that the other Barovians have.
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Reion pours himself a glass and starts to take a sip when the elf lady asks if he and Eloric lived here. The very thought almost makes him choke on his wine. He unceremoniously spits the wine back in his cup and coughs slightly. "Ah, nooo. We are not from this town. Not too many people in their right minds would stay in this place."
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