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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
Njon hoots a feww trimes. Zero is able to translate that as volunteering to stay with the ship and have it ready for lift off as soon as you are back from the village. Since he is the best MMechanic you have, as well as both a gunner and pilot he can get everything ready.
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(02-16-2021, 03:12 AM)Jendu Verbenti Wrote: "We don't know anything about them so we have no information about their lost ship," Jendu replies.  "But we do have many spies so we might even be able to help locate it.   As my friend here stated, we need to speak with them personally to find out what their plans are.  Are you friends with these people?  For our sakes I hope you left them with better first impressions than the first impressions you left our last group."

Korstyn sneers a little behind her mask.  "I'm a Bounty Hunter.  I'm not paid to make friends, I'm paid to do a job."
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(02-12-2021, 03:07 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: @'Shunna Maza", @'IT-O (Zero) '  are you agreeing to head to town to find Tak or Worynn  regarding getting the people left at Generis Station to either warn the droid Long off and redirect him here when he arrives at Generis?

@Ubi Sunt, and @Dez Synn' do you agree with Shunna's assessment about what should be kept and what should be sold, in the OoC thread

It's like the party either has answere 1/2 of what is going on, but no one has responded to both

Ok, let's go talk to Tak or Worynn
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Walking into the village you see it is a vallage sheltered at the bottom of a cliff face, with most of the homes and shops carved into the cliff itself. This makes it almost impossible to tell the size of the community, but it is small, perhaps no more than 200 residents.

There is no actual restaurant or cantina, but the residents have made do and  set up several tables in a courtyard faced by several homes, and the kitchjens of those homes are hard at work cooking for all the visitors. 

The residents of the town are more than happy for the Resistance Group to be here it seems. Whether they sympathize or not, this is a huge influx of credits for them.

You see no sign of Tak or the Imperial pilot, you guess Tak has him somewhere picking his brain for any and all intel.

Then you spot Worynn, Jendu and the Mandolorian seated at one of the tables. Worynn waves, gesturing for you tro join them.
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"There he is!", Ubi smiles, waves back and walkes towards the trio.
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Shunna walks over to them and nods in greeting.  "Hello, again," she replies.  "We thought we would come and see you before we left."
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"Glad you did, we were hoping to speak with you as well"
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"Great! I have the feeling your about to ask us a favor, which may work for us as we need to ask your assistance as well! Perhaps as they say we can scratch each others backs?"
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Shunna looks at Ubi, then replies to Worynn, "I'm not sure about this back scratching business.  Our request isn't really difficult.  We would like you to let your people on Generis station know, via encrypted message, to expect Ubi's ship, the Wildcard.  If the Imperials arrive first they warn off the Droid piloting the ship off and if the Imperials haven't arrived they can redirect the ship here.  We would go but it's too dangerous with the Imperials sniffing around."
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"Oh, we can definitely do that. Consider it done. If you'll excuseme a moment, that is kind of timely, so I will get our comm people to do it right away, and be back in a moment."

With the Worynn gets up from the table and quickly disappears into one of the nearer cave homes.
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