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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
When Melville exits the helm room, does he see the glass-like creature?

If he does he will cast Magic Missile at it, hoping it oes not reflect.

If he cannot see it he will Ready casting Magic Missile as soon as it appears, losing the rest of this rounds action until next round.

Magic Missile [3d4+3] = 5+3 = 8
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(01-22-2021, 01:02 PM)Melville Wrote: When Melville exits the helm room, does he see the glass-like creature?

If he does he will cast Magic Missile at it, hoping it oes not reflect.

If he cannot see it he will Ready casting Magic Missile as soon as it appears, losing the rest of this rounds action until next round.

Magic Missile [3d4+3] = 5+3 = 8

Go ahead and give a perception check as you come out of the door.  As it right next to the railing, it is possible that you might be able to catch glimpse of a shimmer or glint from a moving edge.
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Perception [1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9
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(01-22-2021, 03:11 PM)Melville Wrote: Perception [1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9

Unfortunately Melville cannot see it clearly from the doorway.
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Melville holds his action for the target to present itself.

Round 2
Bill - 21.15
Annabelle - 18.12
Cash - 11.14
Rupert - 11
Royce - 10.19
Glass - 9.16
Threadvine - 8.16
Bazz - 8
Slick = 7.17
Ashheart - 4.15
Chick - 4.14
Melville - 2

Bill, standing a bit taller than Melville and positioned squarely in line with the oddity, takes a shot with his crossbow.  The bolt hits some portion of the the thing, but seems to glance off the glass-like surface harmlessly. {Succeeded on DC10 Perception to spot it at a distance, the attack with disadvantage and half cover (functional invisibility) for 23 (on both dice!), only for it to bounce off.}

Annabelle does not put together what that means and lunges forward with her own attack. The thing warps and twists as she does, and shifts out of the way of her blade. {15 on the disadvantage attack}

Cash's antennae twitch as he puts some things together.  He fires another arrow at it, but the shaft sticks in the railing.  "It may be immune to normal weapons!" he calls out in warning. Ashheart is picking up a catapult stone, but drops it and calls out, "To me! I have a limited fix for that!"

It is your turn Rupert.

[Image: glassbattle_2_1.jpg]
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Hearing Ashhearts command, Rupert will use a dash action to move as far towards asheart as he can reach.
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It takes you 40' to get to Ashheart.  You can then hold your action for a particular trigger, or do something else from here.  As you approach, Ashheart says, "I've got a couple enchantment salves here.  What weapon do you want to use?" (Assuming you already have your weapon drawn, you could use your object interaction to take a salve and your regular action to apply it. oh wait, you dashed.  Well you can take the salve anyway.)
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Round 2
Bill - 21.15
Annabelle - 18.12
Cash - 11.14
Rupert - 11
Royce - 10.19
Glass - 9.16
Threadvine - 8.16
Bazz - 8
Slick = 7.17
Ashheart - 4.15
Chick - 4.14
Melville - 2

Royce disengages from the twisting ocular headache and falls back to Ashheart as well, taking one of the offered salves.

The glass thing held still for just a moment, a sudden rigid plane of mirror like glass showing Annabelle's reflection perfectly.  It then fell forward, falling through her and then crumpling and twisting back upright on the other side of her. As it rises back up, a translucent reflection of Annabelle came with it, extending partially from Annabelle's physical body.  A look of panic and disorientation crosses the face of this partial spirit form, and the same expression crosses her physical features a second later. {Attacks the space she is in, dealing some damage and triggering an effect to which she failed her save} Threadvine takes the opportunity to connect with the monstrosity with a quick thrust.  A cracking of glass can be heard, the first sound of any kind to emerge from the thing.  A wound slices open on Threadvine's own shoulder. {21 to hit for 10 damage}

A look of grim determination the captain drops his scimitar, steps around annabelle to where he can see it as clearly as possible, and uses both hands to take two swings at the mirror-thing.  The first swing he diverts at the last second before accidentally hitting Annabelle, but the second blow hits the surface and an audible cracking can be heard.  Again a wound opens up across his thigh. {Nat 1 on the first swing, then 22 on the second for 13 damage}

It is your turn Bazz.  Melville to follow.
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[I'm kind of lost.  Can we make a knowledge check to learn something about the creature?  Can we see it?  Is it in the same place as it was before?]

If he can see it Bass will cast Vicious mockery at it.

Quote:Vicious mockery: You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next Attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

If he can't see it, he will move to the west side of Slick (35' movement)

Then if he can see it he will cast Vicious Mockery.

If he still can't see it, he will try to move into a position where he can see it.

[Feel free to make any perception checks or knowledge checks for me.  I work tonight so I'm going to bed an won't be able to post until after midnight or tomorrow morning.]
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(01-22-2021, 08:42 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [I'm kind of lost.  Can we make a knowledge check to learn something about the creature?  Can we see it?  Is it in the same place as it was before?]

If he can see it Bass will cast Vicious mockery at it.

Quote:Vicious mockery: You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next Attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

If he can't see it, he will move to the west side of Slick (35' movement)

Then if he can see it he will cast Vicious Mockery.

If he still can't see it, he will try to move into a position where he can see it.

[Feel free to make any perception checks or knowledge checks for me.  I work tonight so I'm going to bed an won't be able to post until after midnight or tomorrow morning.]

[[yes, feel free to make a Nature check to try to evaluate the nature of the thing from current observation, or history to try to recall hearing of anything like this previously. Rupert and Melville can make either of these rolls as well.  Melville and Bazz can also make arcana checks to work out stuff about it's apparent magical nature.]]

It has moved to the left of Annabelle, so it is completely blocked from sight from the main deck, so you will have to go up the stairs, near Slick.  From the top of the stairs you have a Perception roll chance to see it, which I will make for you shortly, as well as the results of your cast.
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