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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
Both Cin and Reawyn realize that this chamber once served as a sort of airlock between the alien habitat and the ship’s decks—quick sterilization procedures here ensured that no contaminants were introduced into the habitat when wildlife or visitors entered the area beyond, but these  machines are not functional until the power is restored.
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We press on, retracing our route 

[OoC I do not recall a map, nor do I recall mi  allowing deviation from 'you follow the path']
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Moving through the next pair of doors...

A gray metal door sits in one wall of this short stone tunnel that curves north before opening into a vast sand-filled cavern. 

At first glance, this cold cavern presents a strange and disconcerting vista—that of a desert valley under a starless, night sky. A stretch of sand covers the ground, a vista broken here and there by bits of strange, spiky shells or contorted, dead fronds that look like branches.

[[This is where you fought the, "Purple People Eater."  ]]
[Image: ghelarn-better.png]

Following the path, you continue on to the north and then take a U-turn to the South-east.  Both Androids observe that the ceiling is a featureless sheet of dark gray glaucite arching above at a height of 50 and climbs higher (making a dome) as you move deeper into the desert valley.

[[At this point you see the (more) dead, 4-armed skeleton. ]]

At this point, the Androids can see with their darkvison that the path continues to the east to some rocks.  In the dim light of their Low-light vision they can see the path hugs the southern edge of what they think is a narrow rocky, hill. 

[[Do you continue on?  Grab another femur from the skeleton?  Anything? ]]
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What does Uncle Shimo inform me with his flights to the limit of our light and back?
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(01-19-2021, 07:03 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: Moving through the next pair of doors...

A gray metal door sits in one wall of this short stone tunnel that curves north before opening into a vast sand-filled cavern. 

At first glance, this cold cavern presents a strange and disconcerting vista—that of a desert valley under a starless, night sky. A stretch of sand covers the ground, a vista broken here and there by bits of strange, spiky shells or contorted, dead fronds that look like branches.

[[This is where you fought the, "Purple People Eater."  ]]

Following the path, you continue on to the north and then take a U-turn to the South-east.  Both Androids observe that the ceiling is a featureless sheet of dark gray glaucite arching above at a height of 50 and climbs higher (making a dome) as you move deeper into the desert valley.

[[At this point you see the (more) dead, 4-armed skeleton. ]]

At this point, the Androids can see with their darkvison that the path continues to the east to some rocks.  In the dim light of their Low-light vision they can see the path hugs the southern edge of what they think is a narrow rocky, hill. 

[[Do you continue on?  Grab another femur from the skeleton?  Anything? ]]

It has no more femur Taijun and Ursk took them. Perhaps a shank would be good too. Is it same as a club or an improvised weapon (-4)?

Eva quickly examines dead creatures (search+knowledge).

Eva's perception [1d20+7] = 6+7 = 13 + 1 = 14
Eva's knowledge [1d20] = 18 +x (x = knowledge (arc-dun-pla / loc-nat-eng / gra-his-nob): +8/+5/+4)

Eva's perception [1d20+8] = 14+8 = 22
Eva's knowledge [1d20] = 10 +x (x = knowledge (arc-dun-pla / loc-nat-eng / gra-his-nob): +8/+5/+4)
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[OoC: Essaccus, I noticed you have the Stargazer trait that gives you +2 to identify alien creatures but you don't have any Knowledge skills that would allow you to identify creatures. You might want to pick up some to take advantage of your trait.]

[OoC2: Can everyone make sure they've indicated on your sheet which skills are from your 2 background skill points per level? Usually just putting "bg" beside the number of background skill points you've used. It will help both you and I keep track of your skills. ]

(01-19-2021, 12:01 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: What does Uncle Shimo inform me with his flights to the limit of our light and back?

[[Does Uncle Shimo have darkvision or Low-light vision.  If he does, please mention his abilities in your request. ]]

Eva knows the PPE is an Aberration.  She suspects it's not from around here and even wonders if it's from this plane.  It doesn't seem to have any outsider traits but it definitely seems to be alien.  Eva believes it typically shelters within a hardened, rocklike shell that houses all of its vital organs. By withdrawing its tentacles and sensory stalks into its shell, it gains total cover until the beginning of its next turn. The shell doesn’t provide cover against targeted spells, and the ghelarn’s movement is limited to downward burrowing during this time.  It's size large and likely has darkvision and tremorsense.  It's slightly above animal intelligence and is vulnerable to Sonic energy.

You have no information about the 4-armed skeletons except a little about their anatomy.  It appears the 4-arms are native to this species and not part of some necromantic process of their creation.  [You needed Knowledge Religion for any real information but I figured you could figure out a couple of details with your other skills.]
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[OoC: I have updated my signature with your recommendations]
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 can make a Lore(Technology) check if that could help.
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(01-19-2021, 06:27 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: Essaccus, I noticed you have the Stargazer trait that gives you +2 to identify alien creatures but you don't have any Knowledge skills that would allow you to identify creatures.  You might want to pick up some to take advantage of your trait.]

[OoC2: Can everyone make sure they've indicated on your sheet which skills are from your 2 background skill points per level?  Usually just putting "bg" beside the number of background skill points you've used.  It will help both you and I keep track of your skills. ]

(01-19-2021, 12:01 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: What does Uncle Shimo inform me with his flights to the limit of our light and back?

[Does Uncle Shimo have darkvision or Low-light vision.  If he does, please mention his abilities in your request. ]]
I did that already in the post you seem to have missed http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....9#pid48699 

(01-16-2021, 03:04 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: If we get into a more open cave, Gurkagh will send Uncle Shimo to scout. The diminutive thrush can fly out to the limits of where we can see and with low-light vision can see a bit further, without drawing attention and fly back to report.

[Diminutive, fly 40' average, Ac 17 ; Intelligence 6; Speaks Hallit ; low-light vision; Perception +9, Sneak +14]
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(01-19-2021, 06:27 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Eva knows the PPE is an Aberration.  She suspects it's not from around here and even wonders if it's from this plane.  It doesn't seem to have any outsider traits but it definitely seems to be alien.  Eva believes it typically shelters within a hardened, rocklike shell that houses all of its vital organs. By withdrawing its tentacles and sensory stalks into its shell, it gains total cover until the beginning of its next turn. The shell doesn’t provide cover against targeted spells, and the ghelarn’s movement is limited to downward burrowing during this time.  It's size large and likely has darkvision and tremorsense.  It's slightly above animal intelligence and is vulnerable to Sonic energy.

You have no information about the 4-armed skeletons except a little about their anatomy.  It appears the 4-arms are native to this species and not part of some necromantic process of their creation.  [You needed Knowledge Religion for any real information but I figured you could figure out a couple of details with your other skills.]

Perhaps we can sell its shell later or made an armor from it. What do you think? Does it worth? - she asks  - I don't know how much it's worth but it is large and a hardened, rocklike shell.

Eva's appraise [1d20+4] = 4+4 = 8
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Gurkagh looks for a bone large enough to wield in two hands from the skeleton (thigh bone?)

|OoC remember thanks to his ability it doesn't necessarily need to be well balanced, just heavy]
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