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[IC] Into Barovia
The woman sobs and through her tears she manages to utter, "Gertruda... Why Gertruda?"  You are close enough to see that she is holding a doll in her hands.  You notice the old, malformed doll has a strange leer and wears a sackcloth dress.  It has the appearance of being professionally made and not something just stitched together out of rags.
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[Image: yQBPEHu.png]

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Aly keeps a look out while glancing over at the conversation the Cavalier is attempting to have with the despondent woman.  "What is that thing in her hand?"
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"A doll.. I am guessing it was her daughters."

He turns back to the woman, "Gertrudda was your daughter?"    gently "What happened to her?"
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"Gertruda," whimpers while sobbing harder.  "She... she's my beau... beautiful daughter.  Now gon... gone!  Hid her awa... away, I did.  Fo... for her entir... entire life!"  The woman squeezes the doll in her hands as tears fall upon it.  Staining the old, dirty, fabric.
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Rhoderic watches silently, looking around nervously, his instincts telling him to be on guard.
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@Sumayl al-Akhir

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Sumayl is completely out of his element here, and he knows it.

"You hid her away? For her entire life? What do you mean?Is she still hidden or was she found?"
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(01-19-2021, 02:52 AM)Sumayl al-Akhir Wrote: Sumayl is completely out of his element here, and he knows it.

"You hid her away? For her entire life? What do you mean?Is she still hidden or was she found?"

"I... I... Had to," she replies.  He can tell his sudden 'machine gun' questioning was making her defensive and upset.  "Sh... She's beautiful.  Beaut... Beautiful young girls oft... often go miss... miss..." She can't seem to force the words out of her mouth.  After a few moments she pulls herself together enough to continue.  "Gertruda became mo... more defiant when she became a tee... teenager.  Sh... She broke out a we... week ago an... and ha... hasn't been seeeen siiince!" The woman now begins to sob uncontrollably.
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"hmm, could she be hiding in town? Or.. the forest?"
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