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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
(01-15-2021, 05:14 AM)Dez Synn Wrote: Dez replies to Jendu. "I think the shuttle may no longer be ours by the time these droid are done,but I suspect they will not turn down the aid either"

Nods.  "Yes, I'm sure they would rather take possession of an undamaged Shuttle than one that looks like it's been through a meteor shower."

Jendu then says to Korstyn and the two other men (whom I can't remember their names), "I believe we have some things to talk about." 
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In the end both captains seem interested in doing a trade with you, but they have two very different ships and therefore different offers,  D'han invites you to take a tour of the Bulwark (the  Wayfarer, with the large orange cargo container), and Narrukh  invites you to tour his ship, the Rimward Bounty (the GTROC 720).

There offers are both very different, and when D'Ha sees the superior capabilities in agility and speed of the Bounty, she plays upon the advantages of the Bulwark as  a mobile hangar and base of operations, throwing in a Cloakshape fighter, with a hypersace sled and it's current R3 astromech for the hyperspace sleds droid socket, as well as the four BARC speeder-bikes that she currently has,  in an obvious effort to even the offer with the GTROC.

Wrathful Bulwark
Wayfarer-Class Medium Transport Statistics (CL 5)
Colossal Space Transport
Initiative: -5; Senses: Perception +5
Reflex Defense: 12 (Flat-Footed 12), Fortitude Defense: 27; +12 Armor
Hit Points: 140; Damage Reduction: 15; Shield Rating: 20; Damage Threshold: 77
Speed: Fly 12 Squares (Character Scale), Fly 2 Squares (Starship Scale); (Maximum Velocity 800 km/h)
Ranged: Laser Cannon, Quad +2 (See Below)
Ranged: Laser Cannon +2 (See Below)
Fighting Space: 12x12 Squares (Character Scale), 1 Square (Starship Scale); Total Cover
Base Attack Bonus: +0; Grapple: +37
Attack Options: Autofire (Laser Cannon, Quad)
Strength: 44, Dexterity: 10, Constitution: -, Intelligence: 14
Skills: Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5
Ship Statistics
Crew: 10 can be as low as 2 (Pilot + Co-pilot); Passengers: 6
Cargo: 220 Tons; Consumables: 3 Months; Carried Craft: 2 Gargantuan Starfighters
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup Class 14), Navicomputer
Availability: Licensed; Cost: 144,000 (52,000 Used)

Weapon Systems
Laser Cannon, Quad (Gunner) (Starbopard dorsal turret)
Attack Bonus: as per crew +2 (-3 Autofire), Damage: 6d10x2

2x Laser Cannon (2 Gunner) (Port turret, starboard turret)
Attack Bonus:  as per crew +2 (-3 autofire), Damage: 4d10x2

+ Cloakshape figheter with hyperedrive sled 79,500cr - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/CloakShape_Fighter
+ R4-Series Astromech Droid (2,500 cr) - starfighter variant with  astrogation bvuffer (domed head rathgger than conical) - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/R4-Series_Astromech_Droid
+4 x 74-Z Speeder Bike (27,000cr )  - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/74-Z_Speeder_Bike

net value new : 253,000 cr

there would still be room in the hangar for another Gargantuan (starfighter or airspeeder) sized vehicle and several more speederbikes. Or two lHuge ground vehicles, like  cargo speeders. (you could fit four of Luke's X-34 speeder in there, the 'car from Luke's youth on Tatooine)

[Image: SoKvVmo.jpg]

Rimward Bounty

Ghtroc 720 Freighter Statistics (CL 6)
Colossal Space Transport
Initiative: -1; Senses: Perception +5
Reflex Defense: 16 (Flat-Footed 12), Fortitude Defense: 25; +12 Armor
Hit Points: 110; Damage Reduction: 15; Shield Rating: 15; Damage Threshold: 75
Speed: Fly 12 Squares (Character Scale), Fly 4 Squares (Starship Scale); (Maximum Velocity 1500 km/h)
Ranged: Laser Cannons, Double +1 (See Below)
2 x Double medium blaster cannons (see below)
Fighting Space: 12x12 Squares (Character Scale), 1 Square (Starship Scale); Total Cover
Base Attack Bonus: +0; Grapple: +35
Attack Options: Autofire (Laser Cannons, Double)
Strength: 40, Dexterity: 18, Constitution: -, Intelligence: 15
Skills: Initiative -1, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -1, Use Computer +6
Ship Statistics
Crew: 2 + 2 gunners (Normal Crew Quality); Passengers: 10
Cargo: 85 Tons; Consumables: 2 Months; Carried Craft: None
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup Class 15), Navicomputer
Availability: Licensed; Cost: 223,500 (53,000 Used)
Emplacement Points Used:/Available: 13/- (reduced cargo space by 50 tons
Weapon Systems
Laser Cannons, Double (Gunner) (Forward) 
Attack Bonus: as crew +2 (-3 Autofire), Damage: 4d10x2
2 x Fire linked, double medium blaster cannon turrets (2 gunners) (dorsal) 
Attack Bonus: as crew +2 (-3 autofire) Damage: 5d10x2 (6d10x2 fire-linked) 

Other systems
Manuevering Jets (+4 Dex) (3ep,  25,000cr)
Combat thrusters (1ep, 10,000 cr)
Sensor array computer (+2 Int) (1ep, 25,000cr)
Sublight Drive 4 squares (5ep, 50,000)
2 x Fire linked double medium blaster cannons (3ep, 15,000)

Net cost: 223,500cr

The increased sub-light speed and combat thrusters means this space transport can dogfight as if it is a starfighter instead of a transport.

The two added turrets are not shown on the below map.  They are on the 'shoulders' of the ship above the engine rooms (5, and 7), accessed by ladders. This makes the ship a very effective 'gunship'

[Image: P4yVQb4.jpg]
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(01-15-2021, 06:22 PM)Jendu Verbenti Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 05:14 AM)Dez Synn Wrote: Dez replies to Jendu. "I think the shuttle may no longer be ours by the time these droid are done,but I suspect they will not turn down the aid either"

Nods.  "Yes, I'm sure they would rather take possession of an undamaged Shuttle than one that looks like it's been through a meteor shower."

Jendu then says to Korstyn and the two other men (whom I can't remember their names), "I believe we have some things to talk about." 

Tak is not there, he leaves such negotiations to Woryn, the cerean. Your guess is Tak would rather be doing, then negotiating. He is a born leader, but not actually that much of a diplomat or negotiator. he'd rather delegate that task to the cerean.

Woryn nods, "To the village then? I for one am starving."
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Jendu nods, replying, "I hope you know a good place to eat, because I'm famished."  Then tossing a look toward the Mandalorian, he asks, "Are you coming?"
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"Excuse me," Shunna says as they're leaving.  "If this will have to do with any of us, I think at least one or more of us should be present."

[OoC: Since Korstyn is joining the group, that means we'll be accompanying her on this quest they're negotiating.  It doesn't make sense that we would follow her around like puppies while she does her bounty hunting.  There should be some reason (it doesn't have to be a solid reason) for all of use to fly off together.]
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(01-11-2021, 09:19 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: "So you're a medical droid.  That's handy.  I can't imagine going into combat without one nearby, since I always get to take the brunt of the incoming.  But how'd you manage to beat an astromech droid for control of a starship?  I thought that they were designed to link with ships."

"We both have SCOMP connections so technically we both are similarly capable of link with anything that has a computer.  Which includes starships.  However, I believe it came down to a bit of luck and our objectives were different.  While the Astromech was trying to take over the ship, I was simply attempting to keep the shuttle's computer from becoming too 'friendly' with the Astromech.  The more 'friendly' a computer is to the accessor, the easier it is to complete commands.  Thankfully the Empire doesn't use top notch Astromechs.  Against a more capable Astromech, I might have been easily defeated."
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(01-16-2021, 11:40 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: "Excuse me," Shunna says as they're leaving.  "If this will have to do with any of us, I think at least one or more of us should be present."

[OoC: Since Korstyn is joining the group, that means we'll be accompanying her on this quest they're negotiating.  It doesn't make sense that we would follow her around like puppies while she does her bounty hunting.  There should be some reason (it doesn't have to be a solid reason) for all of use to fly off together.]

{OoC: unfortuneately for you, that's meta-gaming.  At this point Korstynn has not asked for the groups assistance, nort has Jendu.  Korstyn will have to once she getrs more details of the contract and trulyt realizes she will nbeed a ship.  Ynbtil then, she is not part of the group, right now the group's task is deciding what to do: a) Trade for the Rimward Bounty,  b) trade for the Wrathful Bulwark, or C) keep the shuttle
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[OoC: Alrighty then... ]

While they walk away, Shunna says, "Ok, lets decide what we're going to do and get off this rock as quickly as possible.  We need to find Long so we can get back Ubi's ship.  C'mon, the sooner the better."

"Does anyone have any preferences?  I'm not sure we need anything with a huge cargo hold if that means we're just going to get ourselves blown up because we can't defend ourselves.  We had an Imperial Shuttle and we were nearly blown out of space."
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[[Korstyn was already walking away towards the village and not responding to anyone.]]
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The cerean chuckles. "It is a village, not an ecumenopolis, there is only one place to eat. Unless you are a private guest of a villager I guess. It is passable."
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