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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Slick takes the stuff from Rupert with a wink and a smile.  "Thank you, love!"

Chick thanks Melville for the food and the orange is a nice surprise.

The three of you have a nice lunch/brunch with most of the crew.  

In addition to the spelljammer rotation, the non-spelljamming crew members have a watch rotation. [OOC: If Melville or Bazz would also like to be on the watch rotation, let me know.  Your watch shift would be outside of your 12 hour jamming shift.]  Rupert's watch rotation happens to start during Chick's spelljamming shift and overlap into Melville's.

[OOC: If there is nothing else that you all want to do in the first day or so, we will be jumping forward a few days.]
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Melville will volunteer for a watch rotation. It is not so much that he wants to be helpful, that is part of it. But he is also looking for mercantile opportunity. Getting to know his fellow crewmen, their wants and needs.  Things they could notafford or might be grateful if he acquired them.   Example, if a crewmember likes tobacco, then Melville knows to look for good deals on tobacco. If a crewman collects spoons, Melville can look for interesting and unique spoons.

The only way to build that kind of rapport with his fellow crew is to share in the duties on board thye ship and socialize.
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Bazzalan will also pick up some guard rotations.  Unless refreshing spells has changed, he will need 8 hours to rest, 12 hours to SpellJam; so that leaves 4 hours for watch duty.  His excuse for wanting to help on watch is he's a social butterfly.  He likes to make new friends.
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After sleeping for 8 hours, so that he can get up early every morning, so as to go on deck and do his morning stretches, and go through his kata to practise his fighting moves, before starting his watch rotation. He will then spend his remaining waking hours helping where he can, before turning in early enough to repeat the same cycle the next day.
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The ship falls into steady rhythm over the next week of duty rotations and simple recreations.  The entire crew has regular boarding drills, and the weapons crews have random response drills to keep a quick response time going.  It Late afternoon, ship time, Anders is on the helm.  Melville is updating the navigation plot during his support shift for Anders. Rupert, Slick and Cash were at weapons stations having just finished a drill. Bill, Royce and Bazz were milling about on the main deck on watch duty.  Chick sleeps down in the quarters, and Ashheart and the Captain are working through an inventory discrepancy in the hold.

[OOC: Please give me a Navigation check with advantage from your feat, Melville.  Bazz can give me a perception check with advantage, and Rupert can give me a perception with disadvantage as he is focused on his post-drill work.]
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Perception Check = [1d20+5] = 20+5 = 25, and
Perception Check = [1d20+5] = 19+5 = 24.
So Rupert gets a 24 with disadvantage
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[OoC: I'm on my phone.  Feel free to roll for me.  I will be on line later tonight if you'd rather wait.
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Melville is just a bit distracted today.
navigation [1d20+2] = 6+2 = 8; advantage [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12
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(01-12-2021, 01:14 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [OoC: I'm on my phone.  Feel free to roll for me.  I will be on line later tonight if you'd rather wait.

Melville maintains the course and expected travel time.  Somehow that mythical "better way" eludes him.

As there will be more important rolls that you will want to do later, I'll go ahead and move it along here:

Bazz Perception check: [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6 or [1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9

Ironically none of the three crewmembers on watch duty are spot the incoming threat, but Rupert, standing up on the stern happens look up at just the right time to see roughly half dozen greyish-white balls drop into the air envelope.  Rupert calls out an alarm to everyone as the balls slam into the hull.  Instantly they unroll, revealing several humanoid skeletons, wielding rusted swords and cracked shields, and two bellowing minotaur skeletons.  The placement of everyone on the ship is indicated below.  Please let me know if you feel you should be starting somewhere else.  Thanks to Rupert's warning, no one is surprised by the sudden attack.  Everyone give me initiative!

The areas of the ship that are not normal decking are considered difficult terrain for calculating travel distance, and are accessible from the forecastle or stern.  Anyone trying to resist a Shove attempt or other forced movement that provides for a save can make that save or contested athletics check with advantage due to the netting covering the decks.

[Image: Shipbattle1.jpg]
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Initiative [1d20-1] = 4-1 = 3
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