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Conversations under the stars {OOC Thread}
As Rupert is defined as hard of hearing from years of smokepowder usage, I think that it is indented to indicate that he is speaking on the verge of yelling unless he specifically says otherwise.  That's how I've been reading it anyway.
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[OoC: I am trying to roll play Rupert as hard of hearing, and like people in real life that I have encountered that are hard of hearing but not deaf, they tend to speak very loudly in order to hear themselves talking. I have been trying to imply that form of speech with the use of capitols]
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(01-07-2021, 09:47 PM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: [OoC: I am trying to roll play Rupert as hard of hearing, and like people in real life that I have encountered that are hard of hearing but not deaf, they tend to speak very loudly in order to hear themselves talking. I have been trying to imply that form of speech with the use of capitols]

So you are speaking loudly.  I just wanted to make sure so if we are trying to be quiet we know to tell you to STOP TALKING SO LOUDLY!  Tongue
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[OoC: ok Lol]
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(01-13-2021, 02:02 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: Unfortunately for Bazz, Flanking is not a 'thing' in 5e.  If someone has the (usually racial) ability "Pack Tactics" that gives them advantage if an ally is engaged with the enemy they are targeting, but just surrounding the enemy gives no more advantage that being able to use up their reaction and overwhelm them with action economy.

I've looked over Bazz's sheet and there doesn't appear to be anything that would give Bazz advantage out of the gate, so if you still want to do the longsword attack, I'm afraid that is going to be a miss.  As you had some rules clarifications, if you want to change your action based on that new information, feel free.]

Ok, I've been googling Flanking and from what I understand, on Page 251 of the DMG it says it's an optional rule in 5e.  But you said Flanking is not a thing, which sounds like you're saying the rule doesn't exist.  I don't know if you're aware, but it is an optional rule.  

Quote:Flanking on Squares (DMG Pg 251). When a creature and at least one of its allies are adjacent to an enemy and on opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, they flank that enemy, and each of them has advantage on melee attack rolls against that enemy.

When in doubt about whether two creatures flank an enemy on a grid, trace an imaginary line between the centers of the creatures’ spaces. If the line passes through opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, the enemy is flanked.

It appears on the map that I am diagonally flanking the skeleton with the guy that I can't see his whole name.  Confused

Pack tactics are slightly different than flanking...

Quote:Pack Tactics

You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. 

Edit: in other words you don't have to be on opposite sides or corners.

So are you not allowing the optional rule?  There is obviously no problem with this but I'm only seeking clarification because regular Flanking is an often used tactic and it's important to know if it's something people without Pack tactics can have in their Combat and Tactics 'Toolbox' when in melee.
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I was not aware of that optional, but I don't have a problem with it.  Unfortunately, it doesn't apply in this context anyway as there is a wall/door behind the skeleton between it and Anders on the helm. Royce is at the other diagonal, but that isn't a straight line for the flank.  Once I can get on my other computer I will provide a more zoomed in map of each deck level to help with better readability.
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(01-13-2021, 08:01 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: I was not aware of that optional, but I don't have a problem with it.  Unfortunately, it doesn't apply in this context anyway as there is a wall/door behind the skeleton between it and Anders on the helm. Royce is at the other diagonal, but that isn't a straight line for the flank.  Once I can get on my other computer I will provide a more zoomed in map of each deck level to help with better readability.

Thank you.  And yes, a more clear map would be helpful because it looks like the skeleton is standing in the doorway, allowing Baz to flank with Anders, who I didn't know was on the helm.

I want to add that so far I've very much enjoying the game.  Smile
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(01-13-2021, 08:26 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Thank you.  And yes, a more clear map would be helpful because it looks like the skeleton is standing in the doorway, allowing Baz to flank with Anders, who I didn't know was on the helm.

I want to add that so far I've very much enjoying the game.  Smile

So glad to hear you are enjoying it.  The map in my signature is a scaled up and zoomed in version.  Everything should still be in roughly the same place, although I realized after I uploaded it I forgot to put a nameplate on Rupert.  This is corrected in the next version that will be included in the round update post I will be making later this afternoon.
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Salty Spent three hours working out the post for most of the combat and just as I was finishing the map update I accidentally closed my browser window that had the whole damn post in it. So sad.
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If you made a dm character for the campaign in unseenservant.com you will still have the rolls in the character history
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