12-17-2020, 02:40 AM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2020, 03:00 AM by GM Marvel.)
A moaning sob floats through the still, gray streets, coloring your thoughts with sadness. The sounds flow from a dark, 40' square, two-story townhouse.
You had entered the village from the East and you were traveling West when you heard the loud haunting moaning. You follow the sound to a town square and then turn south until you're standing outside a 40' square, two story home. The windows seem to be boarded up from the inside. When you call out to whomever is making the noise inside the home, you get no answer other then moaning sobs.
When you call out to whomever is moaning, your voice seems abnormally loud in comparison to the deathly silence of the village. The moaning sobs falterlter for but a second before resuming.
Once you all are at the door and whomever is moaning still doesn't reply to your hails, one of you checks the handle. It moves freely but the door won't budge. Likely it's boarded up from the inside, just like the windows. The sobbing continues.
[OoC: If you want to force the door open, you need a d20 roll. Aly needs a 13 or lower; Rhodric needs a 10 or lower; Sumayl needs an 8 or lower. ]