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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
(12-29-2020, 08:10 PM)Captian Ubi Sunt Wrote: Pilot Skill = [1d20+9] = 14+9 = 23, "Aye, hold on", and Ubi immediately attempts to bank the craft into as tight as possible immelman loop to the left (port), to bring the ships weapon systems to bear.

[OoC - Why would you do an Immelman turn??   For those that do not know aircraft maneuvers, an Immelman turn is a manuever to reverse direction completely 170 degrees.  The enemy are forward and to the port about 30 degrees,  a slight turn to the left (port) is all that is needed , noty a reversal of direction.  (Trying to be fancy for no reason)}

Piloting a ship in star wars is broken down just like character actions,  you have a move action, a standard action, and a swift action.

Actions allowed as a Pilot are listed here: https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Pilot_(Vehicle_Combat)

No Pilot skill check is required to Move, just if you wish to use  Maneuvers )which you cannot only speeders and starfighters get maneuvers   https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Starship_Maneuvers)  Space transports are too big for revenuers

 Your ships statistics (the skill  ranks are all different as they are based on your skill ranks not the 'average' crew)  - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Lambda-Class_Shuttle
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[OoC: ok, still new to all this. So in that case Ubi says the same thing, but banks the craft to port and move foreward as his move action, and for his standard action will assist another buy providing accurate target info to those operating the weapons. ]
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(12-30-2020, 03:04 AM)Captian Ubi Sunt Wrote: [OoC: ok, still new to all this. So in that case Ubi says the same thing, but banks the craft to port and move foreward as his move action, and for his standard action will assist another buy providing accurate target info to those operating the weapons. ]

Tak moves to the gunner 2 spot, and readies to use his battery to aid Dez, no check needed automatically grants her +2 to attack. (this is a feature of battery weapons, they can aid each other with no chgeck)

@'Captain Ubi Sunt' You can act as a gunner, and provide targeting data as follows:  
  • Gunner can grant a +2 bonus on another character's Attack Roll by making an Attack against a Reflex Defense of 10.
Who are you aiding? Njon acting as gunner in the co-pilot seat for a blaster cannon, or Dez, acting as Gunner for a blaster cannon battery?

As soon as the ship moves the three Vulture droiuds *you can clearly identify them now at this range) open fire with their readied actions.

Vulture droid 2 - attack - long range [1d20+7] = 12+7 = 19  (-10 for long range = miss)
Vulture droid 3 - attack - long range [1d20+7] = 5+7 = 12 (-10 for long range = miss)
Vulture droid 4 - attack - long range [1d20+7] = 16+7 = 23  (-10 for long range = miss)

Updated map:
[Image: fLdM36b.jpg]

Njon will be resuming with his readied action now that the Vulture droids are in range (long range -10 to hit), but I am waiting to see who Ubis is aiding and for Korstyn to make the Knowledge Tactics check tro aid Dez.

Vulture 1 - 29.09
Imperial Pilot - 26.08 (delayed)
Zero - 23.05
Shunna - 17.06
Woryn- 14.009 (delayed)
Korstyn - 13.07 (readied)
Tak - 10.04
Ubi - 7.06
Vulture 2 - 7.05
Vulture 3 - 7.05
Vulture 4 - 7.05
Njon - 6.05
Dez - 6.05
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[[Whomever Ubi aids, Korstyn will attempt her Aid Another to Aid the other gunner.]]
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There are basically three gunners:
Co-pilot: Njon can act as gunner for a Blaster cannon (he is proficient)
Gunner 1: Dez - proficient using a blaster cannon battery
Gunnere 2: Tak .may or may not be proficient, using his battery to automatically provide aid another to Dez's battery (whicgh in addition to +2 to hit will mean her battery will do +1 die damage per 3 points that she beats the reflex defense of her target)
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[[If Tak is Aiding Dez, Korstyn can Aid Njon, then.]]
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(12-30-2020, 04:22 AM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[If Tak is Aiding Dez, Korstyn can Aid Njon, then.]]

Make the knowledge tactics check please. I will wait to see who Ubi's aids.
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Know. Tactics: [1d20+8] = 12+8 = 20
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[OoC: Ubi will aid Njon]
Attack roll = [1d20] = 12
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Njon opens fire with the ships blaster cannon at one of the Vulture droids. 

Njon - attack (long range + starship raider + aid from Ubi) [1d20] = 15 HIT

Blaster cannon damage [5d10+1] = 17+1 = 18  The vulture droid's thick armour plates absorb some of that burt it does take damage.

Dez's turn (-10 for long range and +4 from Korstyn and Tak,  net -6)
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