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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
She spares Bazz a broad, mostly toothless grin and takes the coin.  She then squats and picks up the coins Rupert had thrown initially.  "When fate brings you back to the Rock, if you wish to have your fortunes told again, come find Blind Mama Glamgold."
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(12-16-2020, 01:49 AM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: She spares Bazz a broad, mostly toothless grin and takes the coin.  She then squats and picks up the coins Rupert had thrown initially.  "When fate brings you back to the Rock, if you wish to have your fortunes told again, come find Blind Mama Glamgold."

"I'm so sorry," Bazz says apologetically while helping her pick up the coins.  "The coins must have slipped out of my friend's hamfisted hands.  Please accept my appology."  The Satyr then gives the Giff an side-eyed glance that clearly translates into, 'don't be mean to the sweet old lady.'  "And we certainly will seek out guidance from you in the future once we study the words you've already given us.  But should we call you Blind Mama Glamgold?  It doesn't seem to be a very respectful way to address you."
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She chuckles and says, "It's my name, dear child, why would you not call me it?  Fear not, Mama does not take offense." She pats you warmly on the cheek before turning and strolling back into the alley she emerged from.

Fortunes told, the three of you proceed down anchor street and onto the docks.  As you proceed down and further away from the festivities in the Market, Bral slowly resumes it's normal demeanor.  Individuals and small groups move between storefronts and meander along taking in the ever-changing view and surroundings.  Deckhands, sailors, and rough looking characters litter the docks and move crates and bags of goods on and off ships.

The docks themselves are arranged with the merchant guilds claiming the closer and generally larger docks.  Dock 34 is not the farthest dock, that would be Dock 50, but it is a large spar that actually docks up to four ships.  Only one of the berths is occupied by a Squidship, much less one whose nearly 30 foot long piercing ram is painted gold.  Coming close to the ship it is easy to see the wear and tear of previous journeys, although the care for the vessel is equally evident.  Painted in white on the port side near the dockbridge you see the name of the vessel appears to be the Riposte. 

From the dock, you can see a couple of humans that appear to be swabbing the deck, and at the forecastle you can see a Rastipede looking over the front catapult.  The ballista that are standard armament for the stern castle have been replaced by a turreted cannon on the port and a turreted jettison on the starboard.  Ample netting is stretched over most of the exposed decks, providing a literal safety net for anyone on the deck in case of a sudden gravity shift or boarding action.  A large warforged wearing a brilliant red waistcoat and tricorn hat stands on the ship side of the dockbridge, a writing board held under his arm.  It's brass visage has been shaped to give it a human-like face with a broad copper mustache ending in a tight pointed twist that shift up and down periodically.  It's eyes flash like gold coins, and the way it reflects the torch and starlight from the visible metal of it's body just naturally draws attention to it.

As the three of you come strolling down the mostly empty dock, it turns to watch you approach.
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"HEY GUYS DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THE TALKING?" , inquires Rupert in a millhouse whisper as he suanters up the dock towards the warfotged.
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"No, let Bazz or I do the talking. I am good at negotiation, and Bazz.. well everyone seems to like Bazz."

He waves a wing in greeting at the apparent captain of the squidship Riposte. Unperturbed that the captain is a living construct, actually even more curious.
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(12-16-2020, 03:00 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: "HEY GUYS DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THE TALKING?" , inquires Rupert in a millhouse whisper as he suanters up the dock towards the warfotged.

"NO!" Bazz suddenly blurts out at the same time as Melville.  "I mean, Melville seems to know the most about Spelljamming so lets let him talk."
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The construct raises his hand and waves you forward on the dockbridge. A vent of steam sprays from some of the dreadlock-like pipes that descend from beneath it's hat. In a voice that sounds like whistling, vented air pressed through a complex network of tiny pipes and screens it says, "Merry met and please welcome aboard the Riposte!  You may call me Mate Ashheart.  I am the First Mate.  Are you seeking employment?"
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Rupert nods in aknowledgement to Mellville and Bazz, and steps in line behind the two.
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"Greetings, I am Melville of the Chrysoco Cartel, my companions here are Bazzalan Horngrim" he waves a wing at the satyr, "and Rupert Gladstone." waving his other wing at the giff.

"We do indeed seek employment. We saw your notice on the board at the Keelhauled Scavver. Definitely drew the eye, twas the most prominent post on the board. I am a skilled navigator and pilot, in both the wilds of space and the rainbow rivers. My friend the giff here is a skilled marine and apparently cannoneer. And Bazz hewre? He's quick of wit, nimble of foot.. er hoof, and I imagine he's not to shabby with that blade o'his."

"Permission to come aboard?"
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"Permission granted!" the warforged says and then blows a sharp three-tone whistle, followed by three short quick toots as you come across the dockbridge {Anyone with a spacer related background would know this is common ship code for guests aboard, three count}.  It quickly jots down the names and professions provided by Melville, but it's quill pauses after jotting down Bazz's name.  It's mustache shifts up and down and it looks at Bazz, "Do you have experience on a ship, sir?"
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