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[IC] Into Barovia
Aly looks at the Cavalier and nods her head toward the gates.  She then has her horse slowly walk through the gates.
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On the other side you see the Old Svalich Road stretch westward.  On either side (north and south) towering trees, whose tops are lost in heavy gray mist, block out all save a death-gray light. The tree trunks almost touch.  When your horses move another 50', the gates slowly screech closed behind you.
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Rhoderic will mount up on his horse behind the cavalier and the elven fighter cleric, redy his bow, and say, "I am ready when you are!"
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(11-26-2020, 11:41 PM)Rhodric Wrote: Rhoderic will mount up on his horse behind the cavalier and the elven fighter cleric, redy his bow, and say, "I am ready when you are!"

[OoC: Funny how you practically have a long term relationship with the gate when it opened by itself, with your thorough searching but now that it closes by itself you completely ignore it!  Was the gate getting too clingy?   Tongue  ]

Aly will walk her horse back to check the gate.
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When Aly checks on the gates the gates do not open.  They're as still as the dead.  Even the trees seem to almost crowd around the headless statues that stand on either side of the stonework the gates hang on.
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[OoC: I feel asleep ☺ ]
Rhoderic will take another look around, for what or when ever closed the gates.
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"Why do the gates being opened for us, and closed behind us not make me feel welcome?" Sumayl observes.

"More like a prisoner than a guest?"

Since there is no sign of a wall, just the gates, Sumayl dismounts his horse, , draws his scimitar and attempts to simply walk around them.
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No sign of a wall but the wide tree trunks that almost touch and the thick, damp undergrowth create a kind of wall.  You would have to move deeper into the wood to search for a way to squeeze through.
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Rhoderic then mounts his hores and readies his bow and takes the lead up the trail keeping his eyes open for signs of ambush, and or trail signs
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