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[IC] Into Barovia
Rhodric finds no traps on the road.

When Sumayl approaches within 50 feet, the gates open, screeching as they move.  The screeching suddenly stops and the open gates stand silent.
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Rhoderic will try to sneak up to the gates and check for traps, and see if its maned
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No traps found.
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any sign of anybody manning the gate,or nearby walls?
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[DUN Dun dun... ]
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Rhoderic will carefully move to peer through the gate, trying to move stealthily and looking for traps and watching for a possible ambush
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Rhodric continues to carefully search for traps and signs of possible ambush.  There's no sign of either!  There is no one around.  None.  Zero!  The three of you are all completely alone!
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Rhoderic will signal his companions to hold, and will proceed to sneak through the open gate searching for traps as he goes.
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You sneak through the gates waiting for something to happen but nothing does.
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Once he sure there is no iminent danger to himself and the others, Rhoderic will shout back through the gate, "It looks all clear through here!"
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