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[IC] Into Barovia
Rhoderic will ride up beside Aly, and dismonts and briefly checks for any signs that the gate or adjoining wall are maned.
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"If there are bandits on the road, this would be a sure spot for an ambush. The road is restricted and there is cover everywhere. Dare we go through, or shall we dismount and exploew off thew road?"
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(11-18-2020, 04:05 AM)Sumayl al-Akhir Wrote: "If there are bandits on the road, this would be a sure spot for an ambush. The road is restricted and there is cover everywhere. Dare we go through, or shall we dismount and explore off thew road?"

"Bandits?" Aly asks.  "I fear even Bandits would avoid this place.  The underbrush is too thick for horses but the worgs could pop out of anywhere and would make an easy meal out of them.  Perhaps a slow approach would be best.  We could likely outrun any Bandits who jump out."
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"I'llcheck for traps.", Rhoderic says as he approaches the gate.
Find Remove Traps (40%) = [1d100] = 86
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(11-18-2020, 06:05 AM)Rhodric Wrote: "I'llcheck for traps.",  Rhoderic says as he approaches the gate.
Find Remove Traps (40%) = [1d100] = 86

[OoC: Not that it matters because you failed but your Signature says you have a 60% find/remove traps - not 40%. ]

For the first half the search he doesn't find anything.

[OoC2:  You're 100' away from both the gate and the party.  ]
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Aly sighs.  "Do you think I should remind him that maybe he should have been sneaking while searching for traps?  I doubt there's bandits but a warg might suddenly decide to attack while he's separated from us.  It is what wolves are known for.  I really don't want to lose another one."
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Rhoderic waves his companions up before moving closer to the gate, he try to move quitely Move Silently (40%) = [1d100] = 54, and with stealth Hide in Shadows (40%) = [1d100] = 66, while continuing to look for traps Find Remove Traps (60%) = [1d100] = 29.
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[OoC FYI the move silently hide and Find traps rolls should all be made by the GM.. you are not sipposed to know the results.. Otherwise you end up metagaming them]
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Sumayl secures his lanc to be held uprioght behind him and switches to his composite shortbow. Then advances to 50' shy of the nearest statue.
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(11-18-2020, 07:19 PM)Rhodric Wrote: Rhoderic waves his companions up before moving closer to the gate, he try to move quitely Move Silently (40%) = [1d100] = 54, and with stealth Hide in Shadows (40%) = [1d100] = 66, while continuing to look for traps Find Remove Traps (60%) = [1d100] = 29.

"Apparently Rhodric can read my mind or he has very sharp ears," Aly states to the Cavalier.  "What chance do you think he has of successfully hiding in the middle of the road?"
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