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[IC] Into Barovia
"Alynorae is right. The cowards planned to leave us to the whims of Fate. We should leave them to their own. I only want companions who show courage at my side, praise Hajama."

With that he easily remounts his horse, even in full armour swingiung up into the saddle like he was unclad.
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Aly had neither dismounted her steed nor removed her aim from between the stranger's eyes.  

She asks, "Do you believe you join us without wetting your pants and fleeing at the first sign of trouble?"
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"Truth be told I am used to working solo,but it doesn't hurt to have allies, safety in numbers, and 3's company, and all that", as Rhoderic bows towards Alynorae withacheeky grin and a doff of his hat, and then he turns and vualts into his medium warhorses saddle.
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Sumayl just grunts.  He leans down on his saddle, completely sideways, to grab the rope again  and sits up to ties it to his saddlehorn.

"We shall see."

"I suggest you tie off, this fog has gotten so thick in places that it is the only reason we are still together."

"Also feel free to keep up the prattle. At least it let's us know where you are."
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Rhoderic afixes one end of his rope to his saddlehorn,  and tosses the other end to Alynorae, saying, "Sumayl's idea is wise, I"ll cover the rear!"
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(11-15-2020, 05:32 AM)Rhodric Wrote: "Truth be told I am used to working solo,but it doesn't hurt to have allies, safety in numbers, and 3's company, and all that", as Rhoderic bows towards Alynorae withacheeky grin and a doff of his hat, and then he turns and vualts into his medium warhorses saddle.

"I think that's TWO's company," Aly states while her brilliant green eyes move between each man like she's counting. "And THREE's a crowd..."  She pauses a moment then lowers her bow and says, "Very well then.  Welcome to the, Company of Three.  We'll adjust the number if we find more travelers to join us or we find a more cohesive moniker."
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"Company of Three it is then. Hajama be praised it is a fitting name, for now."
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Rhoderic flashes a brilliant smile, makes the sign of his god, Fharlanghn, and says, "The road is the best teacher!, May we have safe travels friends!"
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Black pools of water stand like dark mirrors about the muddy roadway. Thick, cold mists spread a pallor over the road. Giant tree trunks stand on both sides of the road, their branches clawing into the mists. In every direction the mists grow thicker and the forest grows more oppressive.

[About 5 hours into your travel and 100 feet away...]

Jutting from the impenetrable woods on both sides of the road, high stone buttresses loom up gray in the fog. Huge iron gates hang on the stonework. Dew clings with cold tenacity to the rusted bars. Two statues of armed guardians silently flank the gate. Their heads, missing from their shoulders, now lie among the weeds at their feet. They greet you only with silence.
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"Statues with heads missing, that doesn't seem at all ominus," Aly says while pulling her steed to a stop so she can get a good look at the gates.
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