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OOC - Rancor Pit (OoC Chat)
The reason you migght choose wealthy is that you have starting wealth 9,000 cr, and beskar'gam costs 7,000 cr. That doesn't leave you with much. So it's sort of one or the other, either you are rich or poor, no inbetween lol
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Starting wealth is 9,000 with or without Wealthy? I'm sorry, I'm still just so confused. I'm more confused than when I first started learning Pathfinder.
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9,000cr without Wealth talent
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Max starting 1st level soldier 3000 plus 6000 for being 4th level.
Then if you take Noble at 2nd level and Wealth talent +15,000cr
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Ok, so Soldier/Noble/Soldier/Soldier works? I'm not quite sure why a level of Scout makes that "feat-poor" because I do not understand how any of this works or makes sense.
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(11-16-2020, 09:57 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: Ok, so Soldier/Noble/Soldier/Soldier works?  I'm not quite sure why a level of Scout makes that "feat-poor" because I do not understand how any of this works or makes sense.

It may be because every odd CLASS level (1,3,5,7,etc) you get a talent and every even CLASS level (2,4,6,8,etc) gives you a feat.  So if you only are 1st level in 4 classes (all odd levels) then you only get 1 talent for each class (4 talents total).  With Soldier/Noble/Soldier/Soldier you will get 1 noble talent, 2 Soldier Talents and 1 Feat (for 2nd level Soldier).

Keep in mind you still get feats like you do in 3.5e at CHARACTER LEVELS 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc. Plus your Human bonus feat.
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Obviously Soldier is like Fighter then...but not really. Maybe more like a combo between Fighter and Rogue.
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Taking the level os cout works as well.
Best combos without any jedi levels

Soldier/noble/soldier /soldier

It doesn't really hurt to take the level of scout.. you just get a scout talent rather than a soldier talent
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(11-16-2020, 10:30 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: Obviously Soldier is like Fighter then...but not really.  Maybe more like a combo between Fighter and Rogue.

Another way that might help you narrow down your choices is by looking at what Prestige classes you may want to take.  You said you want to be a bounty hunter.  Well, you're in luck because there's a Bounty Hunter Prestige Class on Page 207 of the Core Rule book.  

To take the Bounty hunter class you need the following:

Heroic Level: 7th Level
Trained Skill: Survival (so you should choose a class at your 1st level that has Survival which I think only Scout has it as a class skill.)*
Talents: At least 2 talents from the awareness talent tree. (Which also happens to be a Scout talent tree.  Since you only get 1 talent every odd level, you will need to take 3 levels of Scout sometime between now and 7th level.).

*This means, either you choose Scout as your 1st level class and take Survival as one of your starting skills OR you take scout later and then take the Feat: Skill Training (survival).

For reference you might be interested to know Boba fett is a Scout 3/Soldier 5/Bounty Hunter 5/Elite Trooper 2.  Bounty hunter and Elite Trooper are both Prestige classes.
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Remember he wants to wear Beskar\gam so he needs that Medium armor proficiency

Of course he could take soldier at 3rd or 4th level and gain the Medium armor prof as the free cl;ass feat he acquires.

Lol putting more effort into this build than I did my own.
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