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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
That is quite literally all Selina needs to hear.  Unknown mist.  Disturbing sounds.  Fear.  “Time to move.  Simon, Kubo, any idea how to activate that portal by the pond?”  As she is saying this, she is already hastily prepping her gear, helping to store the bags, blankets, and (if there is time and they still have them) tents.  If there is no time, she abandons what isn’t completely packed up.
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Kubo quickly kicks dirt over the fire and stomps out the stubborn coals, grabs his pack and while pullin at his beard in thought, "Maybe your lights somehow triggered the gems in the cavren wall, an triggered the portal?!"
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Selina shakes her head.  "When we found a portal and traveled here, it was opened on our side.  We need to find a way to activate it here, probably."  She looks at Simon helplessly.  He was the brains here.
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"There is no evidence that the portal even opens to anywhere on this side," Simon replies.  "It could just be a dropping off point.  And even if it was a way out, I don't know how to open it or even know where it would go.  We could end up in a world so alien to us that we could just cease to exist!  That's why we're here.  This energy we're tracking is the same as the energy I detected when your portal flushed you into the sewers.  I'm hoping there are answers at the source of this energy."  

[OoC: Crozar can make a Intelligence or Wisdom check to make sence of Simon's device.]

Replying to Kubo, Simon says, "Honestly, I don't believe 'the fog' will harm us physically.  Mentally, I'm not so sure."  Taking a deep breath Simon forces himself to continue.  "From what I can guess from these reading is, these poor souls were touched by the Torque.  For those of you who don't know, the Torque (radiation) is pure chaos and it can warp whatever is touched by it.  I believe in this case, their bodies and thoughts were slowly and painfully pulled apart, molecule by molecule, until everything they experienced at that moment... all their pain... all their terror... merged with this cloud of their particulated physical remains.  Everything they were at that moment became fused together and now they exist forever as this fog.  Doomed to never escape..."
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Selina's face just drops when she hears this.  The fear and anxiety is palpable around her.  As someone who is, in her own mind, a freak already, this is something she fears more than any demon or dragon.  So little time in this life...and if this is her end, she will not even meet her goddess for the final peace.

"Wha...what can we do?"
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kubo asks, "Does any one possess magics to create wind that might disipate the fog, like Gust of Windor a windwall spell? [OoC:if those spells exist in this edition?]"
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{Int Check: [1d20] = 9 if Knowledge(Arcana) applies, that would give me an 11.  Does Crozar know what a Luceat(Sun) elemental would do to the fog?}

Crozar says, "I can either give two people a safe air bubble, or create a short blast of air, but I do not have anything that could maintain a constant gust.  As I stated, we should be safe in the cave until the fog disperses."
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Crozar cannot make out any of the readings on the device.  As for the pinkish fog, Crozar knows it won't last forever.  It usually appears for a few hours and then disappears.  Perhaps it manifests around the same time each night, like an echo.  Which might suggest that not only were their bodies and thoughts fused together into a fog but time might also have been absorbed into it as well.  It would support the theory that they relive the night this happened to them.  

Tomeal draws closer to Selina to offer whatever support he could to her.  He knew she was a strong woman but after hearing the fates of these people, he could use her support as well.  He asks, "So will this also be our fate?"

"Maybe," Simon replies.  "Anything is possible when touched by the Torque.  We just have to pray our luck holds out.  Or if it doesn't, any changes that happen are either inconsequential or even beneficial.  Some people might not mind the extra protection offered by their skin turning to scales.  Though things like your body suddenly becomes covered with various orifices or your feces immediately igniting when exposed with air would probably be less desirable."
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Selina leans into the contact, needing it desperately at this moment.  They were trapped and there truly seemed to be nothing she could do to protect them...to protect herself.  So she grips Tomeal's hand, the babbling of Simon's conjectures fading into the depths of her heart beating harshly in her ears.  "Is there no other way?"  It's a plaintive query, faintly spoken, nearly hopeless.

[[OoC: Just want to let everyone know, I'm not intentionally gloom-and-dooming this.  I have zero idea what's in store or what will happen.  This is all Selina.  This is her primal fear because she views herself as a freak due to her heritage and is absolutely terrified of the possibility of it becoming worse.]]
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Umm i stated I did not wait for the others before I started using lightning strike, did the lightning have any noticeable effect?

[OoC My post was half ignored}
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