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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
(10-08-2020, 04:34 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[Just edited my post with her action.  Any healing she provides in combat will not prevent him from getting fricasseed again next round.]]

[OoC: Currently at work...

Well you're in luck because they can't shoot their radiation beam every round.  So it's only multiple claw/claw/bite/tail slap/tail slap/tail slap/tail slap, for you!    Confused

Kidding...    Tongue 

Maybe...   Dodgy
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[[Selina is prepared to accept that. She's a tank after all. Also, those beams were touch attacks. Her touch AC isn't great, but her flat AC is pretty solid. Steely Resolve also helps.]]
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[OoC: Another night from hell!  I might as well take his pills instead of him.  At least then, one of us will be having a good time! ]

Kubo scurries through the thick foliage and then hurls an axe at the critter!  The axe sinks deep into its shoulder making it release a high-pitched, guttural shriek!  It looks in real bad shape but its flesh is slowly healing before your eyes.

Selina Casts Longstrider on herself [Gain +10' movement for 1 hour per level.]  She then moves behind Tomeal [equivalent of 20'.  Another square (10') is where Tomeal is standing so you can't pass him.]

Simon moves 15' through the thick foliage to flank Tomeal, complaining, "Whose idea was it to fight in this jungle?" He then takes a chance and drinks one of his extracts. 

Caster Level check: [1d20+7] = 15+7 = 22; SUCCESS!

Suddenly his body seems to flicker back and forth, forward and backward at blinding speed.  It seems impossible to figure out where he's standing at any given moment.  [Displacement: 7 rounds; 50% miss chance.]

Tomeal didn't like the idea of stepping behind a friend but he was a hurt'in unit!  So he moves 10' so he's standing behind Selina.


Initiative Continued for Round 3
** {Status effects...}  Let me know if I missed any!
** {EVERYONE = +1 unnamed bonus to hit these creatures for 9 rounds.} **
** {SELINA = Longstrider for 1 hour per level (5 hours)}** {Protection from Chaos for 5 minutes} **
** {SIMON = DISPLACEMENT for 1 round per level (7 rounds)}**

  1. Ning 23.4  [BLINDSIGHT!  Nang shares his Blindsight with his host.  No need to make spot checks to see the creatures within 60'.]
  2. Kubo 19.6; See 10 FEET!
  3. Selina 16.1; 
  4. Simon 15.5; Spot: [1d20+10] = 6+10 = 16; See 15 FEET
  5. Tomeal 15.2; Spot: [1d20+5] = 15+5 = 20; See 20 FEET! 
  6. Betimi 14.4; See 15 FEET!
  7. Dog 14.2; Scent
  8. Monster A 12.5
  9. Monster B 12.6
  10. Monster C 12.7
  11. Monster D 12.8
[Image: bbKUWWlm.png]
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Betimi moves the 15' (30' move) to E10 and exhales at the creature in F13

Quote:Focalor’s Breath: As a standard action, you can exhale toward a single living target within 30 feet. That target is blinded for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.
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(10-09-2020, 12:18 AM)Betimi Wrote: Betimi moves the 15' (30' move) to E10 and exhales at the creature in F13

Quote:Focalor’s Breath: As a standard action, you can exhale toward a single living target within 30 feet. That target is blinded for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

Betimi advances toward the creature.  Once she has moved into the area that's been partially blasted away she suddenly realizes that she can't even spot visual organs on this thing. Even in the natural world where creatures evolve in ways to compensate to survive in environments without any real light sources, it to likely developed other ways to detect prey that doesn't require eyes. 

[OoC:  I will let you change your standard action if you want to. ]
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She will lightning strike the creature instead.

Lighting Strike [3d6] = 8
Save for 1/2
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(10-09-2020, 09:47 PM)Betimi Wrote: She will lightning strike the creature instead.

Lighting Strike [3d6] = 8
Save for 1/2

[OoC: Please include the Save DC of spells and supernatural abilities.  It's often easier for the player to list them than it is for the DM to go looking for them. 

Quote:The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against any supernatural power granted by a vestige is 10 + 1/2 your effective binder level + your Cha modifier.

I'm guessing the DC of the Lightning is a DC16? ]

Reflex Save: [1d20] = 5; Rolled without revealing modifiers

Save Throw: FAILED

Betimi summons a bolt of lightning. It crackles down from the ceiling and blasts the creature, causing its internal organs to burst!

Dog runs through Tomeals and Selina's square to take up a position beside Selina.

The creatures move toward the group.  Two of the critters stop half way to where the group is positioned.  They open their mouths and suddenly a fiery red beam blasts out of their throats.  

Monster E (Range touch attack): [1d20+6] = 19+6 = 25, Damage: [3d6] = 13
Monster F (Range touch attack): [1d20+6] = 11+6 = 17, Damage: [3d6] = 11

Both beams leave Selina severely scorched and in pain!  [Total Damage 24]  Another creature moves within striking distance of Selina and Tomeal for next round.

The two larger creatures bound into view.   One approaches from the east and the other from the south.  The creature from the east moves within 10' of Simon and lashes him with his tail.  Displacement seemed ineffective. 

Tail attack: [1d20+8] = 16+8 = 24, Damage: [1d4+3] = 1+3 = 4

The Larger creature who approaches from the south stays back for the moment.

Meanwhile, some small fires spread, burn out or remains the same.  [I gave each fire a 50% chance to burn out and of course I rolled so well that only 1 fire went out  Dodgy and rolled well enough that 2 fires actually spread.  Rolleyes  ]

Initiative Round 4:  [Please let me know if the damage I've posted in the Initiatives are correct for your character. ]
** {Status effects...}  Let me know if I missed any!
** {EVERYONE = +1 unnamed bonus to hit these creatures for 8 rounds.} **
** {SELINA = Longstrider for 1 hour per level (5 hours)}** {Protection from Chaos for 4 minutes and 9 rounds} **
** {SIMON = DISPLACEMENT for 1 round per level (6 rounds)}**

  1. Ning 23.4; DAMAGE: 2
  2. Kubo 19.6
  3. Selina 16.1; DAMAGE: 24!
  4. Simon 15.5; DAMAGE: 4
  5. Tomeal 15.2; DAMAGE: 39!
  6. Betimi 14.4
  7. Dog 14.2; Scent
  8. Monster E  12.5
  9. Monster F  12.6
  10. Monster G  12.7
  11. Monster 1  12.8
  12. Monster 2  12.9
[Image: CSNBS9Cm.jpg]
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on Kubo's turn he will move 5' to D11, and throw his last throwing axe at monster1 in F13
Throwing Axe (Ranged)Attack = [1d20+6] = 20+6 = 26, yowza a nat 20!
Crit Roll = [1d20+6] = 4+6 = 10 if neccessary
Throwing Axe Damage = [1d6+3] = 4+3 = 7 or 4X2+3 = 11 if it counts as a crit
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Snarling in frustration, Ning/Nag is going to step 5' forward to E9 and tries the antiTorque wand a third time. He fails again

Torque check [1d20+5] = 7+5 = 12
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You forgot to move Betimi on the map. You anwered what she could see for my post as if she had, but then move the dog into that square after me and left me in my original position.

I moved here: http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....7#pid44917
I should be in E10.

Betimi is going to ahain lightning Strike the larher creatue  number 1 (F13)

 Lightning Strike [3d6] = 8 8 damage DC16 for 1/2

"Drink your damn healing potions!"
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