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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Athos nods to the new comer. "My name is Athos Blackwind. Pleasure to meet you my lady." 

This little party was getting quite large. Hopefully it meant easier going when it came to the fighting.
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(DM - Everyone roll perception again.)
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Perception: 1d20+4 22
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Perception [1d20+1] = 11+1 = 12
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Perception: [1d20+3] = 5+3 = 8

Mivia nods to each person who introduces themselves.
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Perception: 1d20+6 = 20
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Perception: 1d20+3= 12
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---Athos, Arius, Kriv, and Nightingale ---

All of them notice for the first time that this first crumbling floor has veritable dozens of openings into the wall.  Most presumably leading into caverns that swallowed the majority of the fortress. Along the floor are also hundreds of dusty little paw prints that look relatively fresh. 

Just at that moment Giant rats leap from the openings to swarm into the area.  The large man Mourn is immediately swarmed over and pulled down the stairs with loud scream mixed with squeaky clangs.  The two girls next to him, The half elf girl that just arrived with the knight and the tiefling bard Leloth, who traveled with them from Waterdeep, were also swarmed and knocked down the stairs.  

Everyone else having noticed the signs managed to dodge the immediate sneak attacks, but the others were not so lucky.


(DM - Roll a Reflex save to avoid two of them jumping at you you didn't notice the warning signs with the last Perception check. Though You have a +2 bonus from seeing how everyone else reacted, and +1 bonus from the perception check before that.  So a +3 bonus all together.)
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Dex Save: [1d20+3] = 9+3 = 12; Forgot to add the +3 bonus from the DM; Total = 15
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(DM - Everyone roll Initiative and post your first action.  

- For those of you new to my games, I streamline the combat a bit.  So whoever posts first, goes first.  Your initiative check is see if you act before or after the monsters. Usually this just determines if you hit it before it hits you.  You will usually be able to see a targets AC and Health to better choose your targets.  This is explainable by the fact that your character should be able to see how damaged something is to a greater or lessor degree.  

- I will also use Logical deduction in the fights to speed things along. An exampled would be; if you attack a low health creature with two attacks, I will automatically target the closest second creature for you if you kill the first one in the first hit. That way your attack is not wasted and we don't have to wait for you to post again.)

[Image: YCwWy6E.jpg]
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