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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
All of you travel from the Temple of Brigh [BRY] [Location 17] all the way to the Weeping Pool [Location 9], in the North West area of the town.

[Image: nea9vPdm.png]

This placid-looking pond is set off from the surrounding area by a crescent-shaped escarpment.  No vegetation grows on the banks of this pond, and the waters carry a bitter stink of sulfur and other chemicals, enough to make the eyes water after spending too much time on the shore. The pond is fed by an underwater spring from under Black Hill, but no fish live in these waters, for the pond is tainted.  Until recently, the foulness of the water has prevented anyone from discovering that the underwater spring leads into a series of caves under Black Hill. A shallow stream runs southeast of the pond and finally empties into Crowfeather Lake.
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"Let's rope ourselves together like we did last time. so the stronger swimmers can support the weaker."
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"That sounds like a wise idea!", states E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 ashe takes out a 50 ft length of silk rope from his pack and offers it up.
[OoC: his strength is 15, I gues the strongest swimmers should be at the lead on the ropein order to pull the weaker swimmers through]
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Gurkagh looks at his heavy paving stone, and it slowly dawns on him that it is too heavy to swim with.

With a grunt of disappointment he drops it on the shore.

"There are big stones inside?" He asks while he takes off and stows his hide armour in his pack, then ties the rope around his waist.

[OoC net Swim unarmoured = +2]
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[OoC Swim = -3; unarmoured Swim = -1]

Taking a cue from Gurkagh Reawyn will take off his studded leather armour as well.
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[OoC: E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10's Swim = +0]
E.S.S .A.C.C.U S-10 will tie on to the rope next unless someone stronger then him steps forward.
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E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 then will check that his 2 air bladders are filled, and any of his equipment that is susceptible to water damage is placed inside his water resistant bag.
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Cin will also remove her cumbersome armor and place everything that could be damaged into her water resistant bag, including her powder horn which also protects her gun powder.  She needed to be extra careful.  Without her gun powder and cartridges she would be practically defenseless!  

She will then attach herself to the rope because she had never learned to swim.  With her armor and buckler off Cin's swim is +0.
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[OoC wow we all suck at swimming lol]
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(09-23-2020, 01:57 AM)Gurkagh Wrote: [OoC wow we all suck at swimming lol]

[OoO: If there ever was a 'dump' skill, Swimming would be one of them because it's so situational.  Rarely does anyone, especially at 1st level need to swim.  Yet here we are. ]
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