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17. Temple of Brigh:
(09-14-2020, 03:48 PM)Reawyn Wrote: "Perhaps it is affecting those people that had stronger links to the Torch first?"

"It seems to be random.  This phenomenon has affected anyone, whether they've lived here for years or have just arrived."

Quote:"Perhaps we should resume the exploration of the caves, so we kind recover the missing mage and perhaps relite the torch, before for too many others begin to suffer adverse affects!"

Joram nods, then says, "If you're finished with your purchases and questions, I will call upon Brigh to grant you water breathing."

While holding his magic rod in the air, Joram quickly touches each one of you while speaking a prayer to Brigh.  Motes of blue light gather around each of you and are gently drawn into your throats and disappear. 

"You now have a little more than four and a half hours before the spell ends.  Good luck."
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"... Tingles"
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(09-14-2020, 05:35 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: "You now have a little more than four and a half hours before the spell ends.  Good luck."

Thanks. See you later. I hope. 
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Reawyn drinks his ant haul iextract, so he can move (still at Medium encumbrance lol) and lifts his pack. He snods his thanks, then bbegins walking to the pond.
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E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 bows to the head priest and says,"Thank you Father Joram", before turning and following Reawyn.
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"Me thanks"

Gurkagh picks up his paving stone and follows the others.
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Time:  End of Second Day.

Joram Kyte is a councilor of Torch and the lead priest at Torch's temple to Brigh.  When you announce your return with Khonnir Baine, the clergy escort you into one of the inner chambers for some privacy.  Soon the door opens and Joram enters the room.

Joram Kyte:
[Image: 7ccc7bce189bb9f91a013a9c8a697e38.jpg]

The priest immediately moves to the mage to examine him.  "Thank you so much for finding Khonnir!  Can you tell me what happened to him?"
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We have found him in this condition in a cylinder shaped device. We heard some muffled sounds of agonized screams within that stasis pod and opened it. He were kept by few robots and droids. I think they made some experiments on him. He has incisions all over his legs and needle ports in his left arm and the back of his neck. He tried to speak to us but mumbled incoherently about past events, robots, his daughter, potion, and Torch.
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Joram listens to Eva's explanation.  When she finishes he says, "Please excuse me while I prepare some spells."  Joram then begins praying to Brigh to grant him spells to fill the 'slots' he had not filled while conducting his morning prayers.  Once he's learned all his daily spells he kneels down beside his friend and quickly takes a look over his wounds to learn as much as he can about what afflictions Khonnir is suffering from.

Heal skill: [1d20+9]=16+9=25

"I see there is more going on here than just some needle holes," Joram says to the group.  "I fear he's been suffering from nanites.  They've been injected a serum into his body, probably to map his brain functions and magical energy.  This is not good.  I'm afraid lesser restorations are only going to be a bandage.  Khonnir will continue losing his mind every day until he returns to this state." 

Joram closes his eyes and begins casting three lesser restorations...

LR: [1d4]=3, LR: [1d4]=3, LR: [1d4]=2; Intelligence +6; Dex +2 (Khonnir now has an Intelligence 12; Dex 3.)

Khonnir blinks his eyes while they focus.  He looks around at the people assembled around him and immediately he begins smiling and tearing up.  "Thank Brigh, I've been rescued."  Khonnir reaches out to those of you he recognizes and pulls you into his arms for a big hug.  "Thank you! Thank you!  I thought I was done for!"
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Cin gives Khonnir a big hug.  "At least you can speak again!  Val will be so happy you're home!  You will have to tell us everything that's happened to you!"
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