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17. Temple of Brigh:
(09-13-2020, 05:20 PM)E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Wrote:
(09-12-2020, 03:58 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(09-12-2020, 01:13 AM)E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Wrote: Fort Save = [15 +4] = 19
[Ooc: Does my racial ability apply to the above save?; Constructed (Ex)  - androids count both as humanoids and as constructs, and gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects. They are not subject to fatigue  or exhaustion and are immune to disease and sleep effects.]
[quote pid='44210' dateline='1599873227']
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 stands there rubbing his temples and squinting his eyes trying to relieve the pain in his head.

[OoC: You may gain the +4 racial bonus.  I will need to check what kind of an effect it is when I'm at my laptop.  But you rolled so well that you didn't need the bonus anyways.]

[OoC: So my Fortitude Save with my racial adjustment would become a 23 (Awsome!), so what happens with E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10's headache?]

I double checked and it information about the headaches mention nothing about any way to be resistant to them.  You may get a +4 bonus vs mind effecting effects but this is no more a mental attack than you getting a regular headache.  A heal skill check might offer additional information.  But as I said before, you rolled so high that you didn't need the +4 bonus to succeed.]
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'Does any one else have a headache?" asks E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10.
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"Nope."  Reawyn looks  concerned. "When did this start?"
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(09-13-2020, 07:01 PM)E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Wrote: 'Does any one else have a headache?" asks E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10.

No one in the group has a headache.  But the priest replies, "There's been a few people who've came to the temple requesting relief from headaches.  Most are just your typical headaches or cramped muscle from sleeping the wrong way.  But there's been a two so far today that have had reported Splitting-headaches that have actually affected their work!  Like difficulty in concentration, forgetfulness, and being more argumentative than usual.  In those cases I've had to actually cast Lesser Restoration to get them feeling more like themselves.  After examining them, I can confirm that these headaches aren't caused by illness or poison, but by some other intangible effect - since the headaches didn't start until after the torch went out, logic indicates that they are connected, somehow, to whatever's going on under Black Hill."
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"i've noticed it upon completion of my nightly meditations, it have not found any relief as yet!", E.S>S.A.C.C.U.S-10 exclaims while pinching the bridge of his nose and then messsaging his forehead in an attempt to relieve the pain.
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(09-13-2020, 07:19 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(09-13-2020, 07:01 PM)E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Wrote: 'Does any one else have a headache?" asks E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10.

No one in the group has a headache.  But the priest replies, "There's been a few people who've came to the temple requesting relief from headaches.  Most are just your typical headaches or cramped muscle from sleeping the wrong way.  But there's been a two so far today that have had reported Splitting-headaches that have actually affected their work!  Like difficulty in concentration, forgetfulness, and being more argumentative than usual.  In those cases I've had to actually cast Lesser Restoration to get them feeling more like themselves.  After examining them, I can confirm that these headaches aren't caused by illness or poison, but by some other intangible effect - since the headaches didn't start until after the torch went out, logic indicates that they are connected, somehow, to whatever's going on under Black Hill."

"I am an Android, and we are usualy very resistant to poisons and mind affecting magics, I do not know what is causing my afliction, but I seem to have awoken about the time the Torch went out, in the catacombs of this very temple, so perhaps these things are somehow linked to each other!" reasons E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 outloud.
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"Gurkagh will keep an eye on you."
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(09-13-2020, 08:34 PM)E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Wrote: "I am an Android, and we are usualy very resistant to poisons and mind affecting magics, I do not know what is causing my afliction, but I seem to have awoken about the time the Torch went out, in the catacombs of this very temple, so perhaps these things are somehow linked to each other!" reasons E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 outloud.

The priest replies, "The pain usually (95%) of the time goes away within 24 hours. The only thing we've found that helps is a Lesser Restoration spell. But except for the headache, you don't seem to be suffering from any further debilitating effects. [Ability score loss]. Using such magics to eliminate just a headache when there may be others who will come in asking for relief from worse effects seems like a frivolous waste of divine power."

[OoC: You made your save so the headache has only Role Playing side effects. ]
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"Perhaps it is affecting those people that had stronger links to the Torch first?"
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"Perhaps we should resume the exploration of the caves, so we kind recover the missing mage and perhaps relite the torch, before for too many others begin to suffer adverse affects!"
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