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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
Porsche smiles at Aurum.

"I don't really know either of you yet, but maybe this will be good for the two of you.  Two people equals twice as many shoes, and I bet Demi needs some clothes."

She quickly goes to get her things from upstairs.. returning shortly with a big puffy down filled black jacket and a large red scarf and woolen mittens,  a red sweater and jeans underneath.

"Ready when you are"
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"Yo should know me Porsche!!"  Jack pipes up in his half squeaky voice as he bounces in the dining room chair.  He makes an electrical pyramid with his fingers.  "Whoa!!"
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Porsche looks at Jack for a moment, not sure what to say about his obvious attention seeking while she was talking to Aurum and Demi.

She glances at Trevor and just shakes her head slightly.
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'Wow I guess every chick here has RBF.  Guess I really should just talk to half the guys.  Oh wait they also have RBF too.'  Jack makes himself busy.
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Jessica gets a slightly daunted look. Considering both their current state, she didn't think a meeting together would be in anyone's best interest. Luckily, Alison put that idea off.

Aurum raises an eyebrow at Jack. "No gentlemen in here yet. Hopefully, there never will be." That would make things even more complicated. As Porsche starts making conversation, she smiles. But that is interrupted by Jack. She squints at him and his thought for a moment, then turns back to Porsche. "Yeah. That was my thought too. At least, some things to decorate our room... I'll go get my jacket."

Heading upstairs, Demi pipes up inside her head. ~I don't need my own clothes. I don't have a body.~
~What about when you're driving?~
~Do you really think I'm going to do that often enough to warrant my own clothes? It's weird. I'm in your body, around your friends, living your life.~
~You'll get used to it. And some of them are your friends too. You don't have to feel out of place.~
~But that's exactly what I am. Besides, you heard Xavier. There's all kinds of issues.~
~We can work them out.~
~You're an optimist, aren't you?~
~I try to be. Don't always succeed.~
~Oh, this will be greeeeeat...~

She smirks at Demi's sarcasm, grabs her coat and heads back downstairs.
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'Okay let's see...Burn by Deep Purple and maybe Stormbringer by Deep Purple too...'   He starts his selection and puts them on repeat.  Louder the better.  He relaxes his feet upon an ottoman hands behind his head and relaxes until they are ready to leave.
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Gedeon goes upstairs and comes back with her rather thin hoodie. It seems to be all she has, and isn't exactly appropriate for the climate. But she indicates that she's ready, when everyone else is.
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Malcom mentally nudges the ottoman to get Jack's attention on his way to the dining room where the others are gathering.

"Looks like the others are about ready. Whatcha listenin' to?"
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Jacks' 'pretend' sleep gets interrupted by Malcolm.  "Huh whaa-?"  He sees his mouth moving but no words are coming out.  He takes out his ear buds and asks "Is everyone ready?"  He gives his iPod to Malcolm.  "It only has a few songs on it, really old songs too.  My adoptive grandparents gave this to me.  Some songs from Deep Purple, some from The Scorpions, Zeppelin, Maiden, AC/DC.  Songs that basically help with my boredom.  Listen to them if you want.  My favorites are Stormbringer and Perfect Strangers."  He gets up and goes with Malcolm.  "Time to hit that card store."  He smiles widely.
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Who the heck is Deep Purple? Maiden, is that like Iron Maiden?"
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