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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Kriv looks up sighing he speaks mostly to himself. "If I have to climb up.. I don't think I will make it down again." as he evaluates his large frame of a body.
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"I'm Mivia.  I have been entreated by my Lady to investigate this sunken fortress.  I would offer my skills to be added to your own to increase both our odds of success!"  She then waits for a reply...
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Arius looks at the others.

He speaks quietly enough for them to hear but not her up above 

"I see no reason to object. We do not know each other all that well yet either, so another new face is not really any riskier. Any objections?"

He calls up.

"One moment!"

He looks back at the party.

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A small hand rises into view and waves awkwardly.
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Athos smiles and shrugs, "More the merrier. Come on down."
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Mivia wasn't sure if she should trust these people.  She could be descending into a bandit's den with assassins ready to slit her throat.  But this is where the Lady told her to go and she believed the Lady wouldn't have sent her at this time to be murdered on the steps of some decrepit dungeon on the way to nowhere.  

Mivia takes hold of the rope and begin to descend. 

Athletics: [1d20] = 14, Perception: [1d20+3] = 11+3 = 14

The Eladrin thought she had about a 50/50 chance of NOT looking like a complete idiot climbing down into this hole.  Athletics wasn't her thing but she happily surprised herself with how well she navigated the ropes.  Mivia keeps her eyes on the group as she descends.
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Seeing that she started down the rope already, Arius rushes to set down the lantern and take hold of the bottom of the rope to steady it.
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Mivia slides down into the hole and when she lands on her feet she spots Arius helping keeping the rope steady.  Getting a good look at him, she says, "Hu...?"  She then pauses for half a heartbeat then continues.  "Thank you."

The Eladrin dusts herself off then to everyone, she asks, "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
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"I am Arius, Arius Dezlentyr."
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Nightingale watches on as the lithe woman makes her way down the rope to join them. She looks her up and down, trying to get a gauge of what the stranger might be capable of.

"Nightingale." the masked woman introduced herself.
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