Kubo stands there blinking taking in the exchange between the strangers, before he clears his throut and says, "ur, ur, Well met! I be Kubo. Plane?! Where are we?!" The dwarf standing before you wears leather armor and an explorer's outfit in varying shades of grey, brown and black. His long orangish-red hair and beard is kept in emacukate braided plaits. His washed out blue eyes are constantly sweeping his surroundings. As dwarves go he is extremly nimble and yet posses some of the strength and hardy constitution of his surface kin folk. He is armed with 2 handaxes, an assortment of throwing axes tucked into his belt, and a heavy crossbow and a quiver of bolts at his back, looking like he is expecting mortal trouble at any moment. He then skratches his plated beard and says, " Sorry this all be a bit dumb founding, as per whut the kobald says, our peoples have fought over Marthammer Duin's many bounties hidden under the mountains a time or two. as well as orcs, goblins, drow, smirfnebblin, mindflayers, Beholders and other denizens of the deep!, I make my living trying to find those resources yet claimed by others, in order to avoid comflicts that usualy end in bloodshed!"
[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
08-18-2020, 05:06 AM
"Well met, Kubo. If you are from the Prime Material Plane, then you are now somewhere significantly different. With the exception of Simon, I believe we are all not where we are from. I know not where exactly in the multitude of cosmos this plane actually is."
Selina has never been strong in her understanding of the Planes and is not much of a Planeswalker, which would go a long ways to explain her intense discomfort when she had first arrived. She does, however, think about whether she knows who Morthammer Duin is. Know Religion: [1d20+7] = 1+7 = 8 [[Hmm...nope.]]
08-18-2020, 05:27 AM
"I do not know either. We coud be anywhere, even still on an alternate world in the Prime Material. The Prime Material is not just the world you know, but many. Thousands."
Knowledge Planes [1d20+6] = 4+6 = 10
Tomeal replies, "Sounds like he's from faerun. His greeting of, 'Well met,' and Gauntlgrym sounds familiar from trade the City-State of Cantus on Semenuva, does with the people from beyond the permanent Faerunian Gate. I would moonlight at the docks when I wasn't guarding the bridge you found me."
08-18-2020, 06:15 AM
"Do you mind if I be join'n ye, at least until I can fine my bearings and get back to me home!"
08-18-2020, 08:57 AM
The little kobold laughs at this. a sibillant snicker.
"We all look for way home. Tomreal says that thee is permanent gate from our world to your's. That means if we find either world, we can all go home." |
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