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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[[I forgot to make a caster level check for her CMW.  I noticed no attack roll or damage for Tomeal either...]]
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(07-22-2020, 12:57 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[I forgot to make a caster level check for her CMW.  I noticed no attack roll or damage for Tomeal either...]]

[OoC:  OH, that's right.  Please roll a d20+level.  The DC is 15+level of the spell. 

Toemeal didn't attack because he snapped out of the rage when the creature flew out of range.  So he lifted his longsword to attack, then dropped it when the rage went away.]
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[[d20+level? No ability mods added, right?]]

CL: [1d20+3] = 15+3 = 18

[[Made it. Going to wait for Selina's turn to post her reaction. Smile]]
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[OoC can Betimi still see the creature?]
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[OoC:  No, but you know which direction it flew.]
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Betimi will reload her crossbow, and back up to the clearing wwhere the others are. Shee is not gonna go into the 'forest' alone.
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[[So...combat over?]]
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[OoC how fast /far can Ning fly?]

Ning flies straight upward and shoots the creature with his crossbow, missing

[MW light crossbow [1d20+7] = 3+7 = 10; Damage [1d6] = 3]

[OoC not so fast, just cuz you can't do anything does not mean we can't]
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[[...I know that. But I can still ask since it's currently running, Betimi won't chase and Selina can't.]]
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(07-22-2020, 06:15 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [OoC how fast /far can Ning fly?]

Ning flies straight upward and shoots the creature with his crossbow, missing

[MW light crossbow [1d20+7] = 3+7 = 10; Damage [1d6] = 3]

[OoC not so fast, just cuz you can't do anything does not mean we can't]

[OoC: Speed: 60'; Maneuverability: Good; The creature is 45' away. ]

Quote:[[...I know that. But I can still ask since it's currently running, Betimi won't chase and Selina can't.]]

[OoC: It depends upon how far Ning wants to pursue the creature.]

Simon won't be pursuing the creature until the group is ready.

The creature enters into the cave where Ning saw the bodies on the ground.

Dog, delays...

[It's now Selina, Dog, Tomeal and Betimi's turns.]
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.