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17. Temple of Brigh:
Reawyn says he will meet up with the others as soon as he checks on his mule at the stables.
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(06-19-2020, 01:34 PM)Reawyn Wrote: Reawyn  says he will meet up with the others as soon as he checks on his mule at the stables.

Quote:Cin asked...

Later when everything and everyone has settled down, Cin will ask if she may speak with Val in private.  If/When she agrees, Cin asks, "While I remain in town may my friend Reawyn and I, stable our Mules at the house?  We will make sure they have plenty of feed so they should be no bother to anyone."
Quote:Val replied...

"Sure, you can leave your mules here. I also have a bunch of bedrolls to lay out in the tavern if you want to stay here since you're going to brave the caverns. At least I'm assuming that's what brought you here."

[OoC: So is the mule at the stable or the Foundry Tavern? ]
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I must have missed that whole chain of posts, because that is also he post that allowed us to sleep at the inn.

Yes, he would have moved his mule.
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While they walk to the inn, Gurkagh keeps pausing to randomly grab wildflowers, tufts of hay ,and long grass, until he has a pretty sizable byndke.
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You all make your way to the Temple of Brigh you hear Bronze wind chimes and and see clockwork statues decorate the domed portico of this compound dedicated to the goddess of invention..  As you approach, a young cleric spots you so he quickly stands and greets you.

"Good day," he says cordially.  "Are you here to purchase something?"  The young man gestures to the small shopfront selling magic items and gear.  "The discounted offer is still good.  Just 40 gold each!  Or are you here to see Joram Kyte, to receive the blessing of water breathing?"
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[OoC: Did we divide the spoils already? ]
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[OoC I thought we had, if the GM allowed it.. since that's you.. did you?]

"Remind me what you have for wares?"
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"Well, I have a large assortment of gear..."

[Choose from Adventuring gear, Special Substances, Tools and Skills kits, Clothing, and Food and drink]  

"And I currently have some magic items to sell..."
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds Potions (40gp) [10 in stock] --  This blue liquid smells of almonds and butter
  • Potion of Magic Fang (50 gp) [3 in stock] --  This bronze oil smells metallic.
  • Arcane Scroll (Disguise Self (25 gp)) (total 25 gp)
  • Arcane Scroll (Expeditious Retreat (25 gp)
  • Arcane Scroll (Keen Edge (375 gp)
  • Divine Scroll (Bless Water (50 gp) [4 in stock]
  • Sustaining Spoon (5400 gp) This masterwork item once belonged to the legendary hero Frede, who perished in the Tuluy Plains.
  • Wand of Cat's Grace (48 of 50 charges) (4320 gp) This thin wand was created by the dwarves of the great dominion of Baramunz.
  • Wand of False Life (7 of 50 charges) (630 gp)  This masterwork wand also conjures cutlery upon command.
  • Wand of Knock (24 of 50 charges) (2160 gp) This masterwork wand also glows when dragons are near.
  • Wind Fan (5500 gp) This battered item was taken from the sepulcher of the vampire Gothidro.
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"I'm interested in the Cure Light potions.  And I'm not rich but if either of the new guys need a little gold to buy something I might be able to help."
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[OoC wouldn't we buy gear from the Pathfinder equipment lists not the 3.5 one??   d209fsrd.com?]

Reawyn will buy:
  • Potion of Cure Light wounds (40 gp)
  • Arcane Scroll (Disguise Self (25 gp))
  • Arcane Scroll (Expeditious Retreat (25 gp)
= 90 gp spent

He saves his remaining gold for now for futire crafting.
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