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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
"Me not trained like you in sneakiness.  But me still keep eye on you," Ningalu's brother replies.  "Be careful.  This place weird."

Ning checks the fork in the cave path.  Both were thick with vegetation that slows his movement.  Nevertheless he manages to make his way east and find just more of the same.  Nothing seems particularly interesting in the first 20' or so.  Ning doubles back and tries the north-east fork and soon finds himself viewing a very different scene.  The pathway opens up into an underground glade with a tiny waterfall leaking into the area creating a small pool.  The area seems to be lit up by something shedding light from the pool.  You can't see what because of the overgrown ferns and other vegetation in the area.  The walls of the cave seem to twinkle with different colored specks of light like you're looking at the sky.  Then you notice what looks like armor and a couple of swords peeking through the dense undergrowth.
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[OoC the armour and weapons are lying in the bushes or are they worn by someone?  do not want to assume, can you clarify?]
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(05-26-2020, 06:54 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [OoC the armour and weapons are lying in the bushes or are they worn by someone?  do not want to assume, can you clarify?]

The vegetation is unusually dense, making it difficult for you to get a good look at any of the equipment.  Mostly you can just catch glints of light from the pool reflecting off metal when you tilt your head at certain angles.  Darkvision isn't helping much because it's the vegetation that is blocking your view not darkness.  You do begin to suspect that the armor does seem to be possibly occupied by some kind of creature or humanoid.
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Ningalu backs up 5 feet further into cover, then as quietly as possible casts silent image. He creates the illusion of a stealthy silent image of a familiar kobold.. Piper, furtively sneaking out of the bushes unaware of the creatures in armour and moving to the waters edge to quietly drink and fill a waterskin. He makes the illusion so that it looks like Piper came from the bushes away from the armor clad creatures.

He wants to see how the armored creatures react to catching a potential victim unawares.

[Move silently [1d20+19] = 6+19 = 25]
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[OoC1: I should also mention that the armor's position is as if someone was laying on the ground and not like someone was standing or couching in the vegetation.  The parts of the swords peeking through the vegetation is what appears to be a hilt of one sword and just about a foot of the blade of another.  You have darkvision so you don't need the light shining from the water to see the visible metal but the light reflecting off the metal does catch your eye. ]

[OoC2: I don't know if that information will change your action or not but I realized that I should be a little more clear about what you're witnessing.  ]
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[OoC that helps yes, as I was ascertain you understood if I was trying to ascertain living or dead.. seeing the hilt of the sword helps]

Instead of casting an illusion Ningalu leans out where his brother can hopefully see him and gives the very brief signal for 'see something' then sips back into the bushes to approach where the armour/weapons are from 'behind' so they are between him and the pond.

[OoC let me know if need to reroll Hde/Move Silently]
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Ning gives his twin a sign, which Nang immediately hisses quietly to the group that his brother "sees something,"  The kobold then approaches the armor very cautiously.  Ning manages to get within 10' of the armor when he suddenly feels a strange and delicate tingling that stretches in a thin band, from ear to ear, along the top of your head.  

[OoC: I need 3 Will saves from you.  I debated whether to make the rolls secretly but after some research I discovered you felt the tingling whether you succeeded or not.]
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Will save 1 [1d20+4] = 13+4 = 17; Will save 2 [1d20+4] = 10+4 = 14; Will save 3 [1d20+4] = 10+4 = 14
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Ning senses the alien presences gently creeping through his brain.  Twice his mind began to falter, causing his mind to wander but with renewed resolve Ning manages to push them out.

[OoC:  Those 14 's barely succeeded.   It's now your turn.]
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Knowing that something can see/sense him, and that his presence is compromised hee instantly casts Obscuring Mist.. centred on himself then retreats 30 feet back.
The 30' move after casting will allow him to exit the cloud.+

[ooC the obscuring mist would not move with him, but the hope is that whatever probed his mind uses sight not blindsense or tremorsense.]
Quote:From d20srd.org https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm

Effect: Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high
Duration: 1 min./level so that is 3 minutes
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