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17. Temple of Brigh:
[OoC: Since I work in health care, this Coronavirus has resulted in my work giving me extended overnight shifts.  These extra hours have resulted in me being even more exhausted than usual.  Overnights are rough and in my experience you never get fully acclimated to them.]

[OoC: So does this mean your next destination is the Bunkhouse? ]
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[OoC I would only be heading to the bunkhouse when it is time tor rest, whereas it looks like others have inn rooms. If we are resting perhaps we an agree on where to meet in the morning? Or shall we visit shops first to sell loot and buy items like gear/potions etc?]
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[OoC:  I am not expecting anyone to role play buying mundane equipment.  Just give me a heads up of what was purchased.  ]
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"There is an alchemist in town is there not?  Perhaps we can visit that shop before we bunk down?  I have all the supplies I need."

[OoC Reawyn purchased nothing, he was already overburdened with what he had and was already the one with the most varied supplies. He wishes he could bring his mule from the stables]
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"Al-kemy? Strange goo that makes other stuff into strange goo? I come look with you."
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Quote:Gurkagh is no confused. Doe Cin want him to stay with her? Or should he get a bed at the bunkhouse. Finally coming to a decision he opts to stick with what he normally does.

"Me sleep in bush. There good spots by pond?"

"Don't be silly.  I'm sure the missing wizard won't mind you, someone who's trying to rescue him, staying at his home."

Smiling to Eva in acknowledgement of her agreeing to join them, Cin turns to look at Reawyn and says, "It doesn't make much sense for us to split up just because you paid to stay at the Bunkhouse.  I'm sure you could get some of your payment back."

[She will take everyone to Khonnir's home to familiarize themselves with it's location.  If you remember, you've all been in his house because it was the location of our first combat!  After that, you guys can do whatever you wish.]
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"Why pay inn? Bush good and comfy, allowed to have fire in camp.  Does inn allow one to have their own fire?"
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"The place we're saying is not an inn.  It's the residence of the wizard we are looking for and it's far more comfortable than a bush!"
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(05-11-2020, 12:25 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC:  I am not expecting anyone to role play buying mundane equipment.  Just give me a heads up of what was purchased.  ]


Eva's interested in scrolls. She can take Shield scroll but Identify is not in Magus' list.

Reawyn can learn spells from Eva's book. If he also needs a spell from Magus' list Eva can buy it so both of them can use it later. 

She didn't purchase from shops at the moment.
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(05-17-2020, 08:31 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote:
(05-11-2020, 12:25 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC:  I am not expecting anyone to role play buying mundane equipment.  Just give me a heads up of what was purchased.  ]


Eva's interested in scrolls. She can take Shield scroll but Identify is not in Magus' list.

Reawyn can learn spells from Eva's book. If he also needs a spell from Magus' list Eva can buy it so both of them can use it later. 

She didn't purchase from shops at the moment.

[OoC: I put Eva's name beside the Masterwork Buckler.  Can Reawyn learn spells off scrolls?  Reawyn does have Use Magic Device so he can use still use it even if he can't.]
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