02-20-2020, 01:25 AM
(02-19-2020, 11:26 PM)H1-MK2 "MK Wrote: [OOC: IC could just be self-preservation w/ independent droid class. OOC GM was wondering why I didn't just take off already, and I had waited for 2 days or so with it asking for clarification to take off xD]
[OOC: With all due respect to our DM, he runs the game and can make suggestions but it's ultimately the PC's who chose what actions to make. I'm not sure why the DM said, they are waiting for you to take off, when Shunna asked to NOT take off. It's possible he misread my post or just wanted to stir up some crap.

Honestly it's not that big of a deal. No one was harmed that wasn't dead already. These kinds of mix ups when character's meet can add some spice to introductions. Shunna is pretty even tempered so she won't be going Darth Vader