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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
(11-14-2019, 08:45 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [OoC: Oops, my bad. Blush ]

Shunna dashes toward the droids.  When she's within range (F-48) she subtly gestures toward the closest droid (K-50).

Quote:UTF: [1d20+15] = 8+15 = 23
Result: If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target takes 4d6 points of damage and can only take a single Swift Action on their next turn. Otherwise, the target takes half damage and may act normally, and you may not maintain the power. Targets larger than Medium add a size modifier to Fortitude Defense against this Force Power: Colossal +50, Gargantuan +20, Huge +10, Large +5.

Force Grip Damage: [4d6] = 18; I think I can add +2 damage from my level for a total of 20 damage.  (The half-level bonus for damage only applies to weapons) If that isn't enough damage to destroy the droid, she will maintain the hold.

Shunna's force grip nearly lifts the droid off its feet and you can visibly see its armour plates crumpling, it will be unable to take its next action, but is not yet destroyed.

[Image: 8GV6qikm.jpg]
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Callie races forward, to H46, she waves her hand attempting to yank the far droid into the one held by Shunna's Force Grip.  She fails to move the heavy droid.

[Callista: Use the Force - Move Object [1d20+10] = 4+10 = 14]

Njon clambers over the low wall and, standing atop it fires at the droid gripped by Shunna'sForce Grip. the droids armour plating disperses the blaster bolt.

[Njon blaster pistol point blank [1d20+7] = 9+7 = 16; Damage [3d8+1] = 12+1 = 13]

Ubi double moves down the stairs as far as he can get.

The zabrak continues to drag the struggling aqualish forward.

Dez gets to go before the Imperial astromech.

[Image: ziUdquvm.jpg]
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dez clambers onto the wall and fires at the droid manniung the repeating blaster.

Heavy Blaster Pistol, point blank [1d20+7] = 9+7 = 16; Damage [3d8+5] = 12+5 = 17
.. [I am assuming that misses it's Reflex defense]
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The imperial astromech droid, apparently named 4-YP, concentrates its efforts issuing commands to the ship's systems using it's scomp link.  Abruptly the door between the cockpit and Zero slides shut, cutting Zero off from the cockpit, where the astromech and imperial pilot are.

Round Eight

23.07 KX-Series Security Droids
19.04 Station Security A (Guards A-F)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards I-L)
15.14 Imperial Pilot
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.096 Njon
14.091 Dez
14.090 'the Zabrak'
14.02 Imperial astromech
8.03 aqualish tech

The droid manning the repeating blaster ignores the ttacks that have thus fr not affected it and turns the repeatubf blaster on the second docking clamp.
The other droid, gripped by Shunna's Force Grip, is unable to act.

Guards A and D both miss again firing at the droid still manning the repeating blaster.
Guard A attack Heavy Pistol [1d20+6] = 2+6 = 8; Damage [3d8] = 16
Guard D attack Heavy Pistol [1d20+6] = 4+6 = 10; Damage [3d8] = 14

@Zero's turn

[Image: pEbX1KYm.jpg]
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[OoC: Is there a list of systems Zero can control from his current location?  Like can he use the environmental systems or life support systems to evacuate the air from the forward compartment?  Or (and this is unlikely but I'm going to ask anyways) is there a way to try to connect to the other droid through the scomp link while they are both connected to the ship's computer systems?]
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(12-17-2019, 10:02 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [OoC: Is there a list of systems Zero can control from his current location?  Like can he use the environmental systems or life support systems to evacuate the air from the forward compartment?  Or (and this is unlikely but I'm going to ask anyways) is there a way to try to connect to the other droid through the scomp link while they are both connected to the ship's computer systems?]

You should be able to access all the ships computer systems from any port, that is part of their purpose, but in order to gain a menu you will first need to improve access (currently Unfriendly) and opf course if the other droid has not already it will be trying to restrict your access. As for using the environmental controls to make the cabin a vacuum, ou probably cannot as there would not be the right kind of suction for that. Making the air toxic hoever would be extremely simple, just reverse the scrubbers and fill the room with carbon dioxide.   As for slicing into the other droid, yes it is possible but EXTREMELY difficult. Because it is sentient it would get it's Will defense and your Improve access role would be -10 for it being Hostile, plus you would need to gain control of the ship computer first to guse it to make the network connection.
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I guess Zero will try to improve Access to the ship's computer.

Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 9+10 = 19
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(12-25-2019, 07:47 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: I guess Zero will try to improve Access to the ship's computer.

Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 9+10 = 19

Zero inserts his scomp link into the nearest port [swift action, you had not done that yet]

[OoC] - I am hoping you have a scomp link appendage , if not you will have to access the computer the same way as a meatbag would... manually]

~"Shuttle Triura, how may I assist you?"~

[OoC the shuttle started as Indifferent (-2 to Use Computer) and you successfully improved it o Friendly (+0 to Use Computer) withyour Use Computer net result of 17 https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Use_Computer ]

Round Eight (cont.)

23.07 KX-Series Security Droids
19.04 Station Security A (Guards A-F)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards I-L)
15.14 Imperial Pilot
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.096 Njon
14.091 Dez
14.090 'the Zabrak'
14.02 Imperial astromech
8.03 aqualish tech

Guards J, K, and L seeing the droid preoccupied with the docking clamp decide now is the time to advance and  spend their round moving to the stairs leading down to the landing area.

The Imperial pilot can be heard muffled through the door, "Lock that damn thing out of the systems, before  it gets us killed!"
As he does so he switches seats to the gunner seat and manipulates the controls. The docking gun swivels in it's mountings to aim at the docking clamp and fire. It does more damage but does not break through the dura-steel clamp.

@Shunna, @Dez, @Callie, @Ubi, Njon and the Zabrak all get to act.

[Image: uX6hoK8m.jpg]
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Shunna calmly maintains the Force Grip...

Use the Force: [1d20+15] = 9+15 = 24

Force Grip Wrote:If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target takes 4d6 points of damage and can only take a single Swift Action on their next turn. Otherwise, the target takes half damage and may act normally, and you may not maintain the power.
Force Grip Damage: [4d6] = 16
Shunna will move to L-48 and if necessary she will continue to maintain the Force Grip.
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(12-27-2019, 04:59 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: Shunna calmly maintains the Force Grip...

Use the Force: [1d20+15] = 9+15 = 24

Force Grip Wrote:If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target takes 4d6 points of damage and can only take a single Swift Action on their next turn. Otherwise, the target takes half damage and may act normally, and you may not maintain the power.
Force Grip Damage: [4d6] = 16
Shunna will move to L-48 and if necessary she will continue to maintain the Force Grip.

With a sickening crack the armoured shell of the droids head suddenly gives way and crumples, crushing the droids central processor.

Callista moves up the ramp to stand between Njon and Dez on the low wall and gives a yanking motion with her hand, sending the droid hurtling through the air to slam into the side of the hole in N-46, HARD, then letting the droid drop.  The mangled droid drops out of sihght down the shaft, only to make a crashing metallic crash at the bottom of the shaft several seconds later. From the sound it sounds like the droid shattered on impact.

Callie: Use the Force (Move Object) [1d20+10] = 10+10 = 20
Move Object Damage [4d6] = 14
Falling attack [1d20+20] = 15+20 = 35; 48 meters falling damage [16d6] = err (die count > 10)
Falling damage reroll [8d6] = 27; + [8d6] = 27 = 54 dsmsge

Quote:Falling Damage
When a creature, Droid, object, or Vehicle falls, make an attack roll (1d20+20) against it's Fortitude Defense. If the attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6 points of damage for every 3 meters fallen (To a maximum of 20d6 damage). If the attack fails, the target only takes half damage. A falling creature or Droid also lands Prone.

Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s per second. During the next second you are already falling at 9.8m/s and accelerating to 19.6m/s. So you fall another 9.8 meters, plus 4.9 meters to account for the acceleration. During the third second, you fall 19.6 meters plus 4.9 meters to account yet again for acceleration.
Therefore in a typical gravity in 3 seconds that droid fell 49 meters
Ubi moves forward as quickly as he can, avoiding the gaping shafts in the floor, reaching J-43.
The talz , whistling, jumps down off the low wall and runs for, and up, the boarding ramp of the shuttle, making it to just shy of being all the way in, his waist level with the floor of the shuttles deck.
@Dez's turn
[Image: QwHK3w8m.jpg]
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