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17. Temple of Brigh:
[Thats a g , not a p. it's GUR-kagh, pronounced GUR-ka]
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"So we leave relics here while go sell loot in Market Square?" Cin asks in her Tian Xia accent.  Then looking at the others she adds, "Yes?"

Cin begins making for the door when she suddenly stops and turns to face the new comers.  "So sorry.  Me Cin-Ezra Oovalli.  You call me Cin or Ezra.  Yes?  Pleasure to meet you."  
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Before you can leave, another member of the the clergy steps into the room and gives Joram a note.  He thanks the woman and reads what's written on the parchment.  

"We thank you for returning the body of Parda.  The last time she was seen was when she entered the caverns with several thugs.  Unfortunately many thought that her falling in with those thugs was going to be her end -- Turns out, they were right."

You each gain 200xp and a +2 circumstance bonus on diplomacy checks for one week.

Quote:Past Awards:
Each of you gain 100xp for each of the last 2 encounters.  So that's an additional 200xp's.  

I believe that brings everyone up to 1,215xp's
The game suggests a Medium advancement so you all need 2000xp.  I've been thinking of allowing Fast advancement only because PbP is so painfully slow.  But even if I do, you still need 1,300xp's so everyone is still 1st level.
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(10-10-2019, 09:42 PM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: "So we leave relics here while go sell loot in Market Square?" Cin asks in her Tian Xia accent.  Then looking at the others she adds, "Yes?"

Cin begins making for the door when she suddenly stops and turns to face the new comers.  "So sorry.  Me Cin-Ezra Oovalli.  You call me Cin or Ezra.  Yes?  Pleasure to meet you."  

Reawyn addresses the newcomers, still unsure of thisuncivilised seeming Gurkagh.

"I am Reawyn. Care to join us? We are going to do a bit of trade. After that we intend to rest, to regain our health and restore our magic. We will delve back below the Black Hill tomorrow."

He hands the priest the technological items for study, then joins Cin and Ezra in geading for the Market. And perhaps Tempting Tonics

[OoC what is #12? It is nt in our locations threads.]
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[OoC: Yes it is.  #12 is the Foundry Tavern.  ]
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[OoC Updated my signature and character sheet to reflect my intended purchase purchase - a masterwork backpack plus the conditions I will have (intend on casting Ant Haul on myself so I am able to walk ]
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Eva is following Reawyn. [ooc - I have updated my sheet. She is ready to rest and dive in again]
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Gurkagh cheerfully follows, looking wide-eyed at all the wonders this city holds. He usually avoids large settlements with his people.

"I have gold, any items you recommend we will need?"
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(10-22-2019, 01:24 AM)Gurkagh Wrote: Gurkagh cheerfully follows, looking wide-eyed at all the wonders this city holds. He usually avoids large settlements with his people.

"I have gold, any items you recommend we will need?"

A bludgeoning weapon against skeletons.
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OoC - What's up? Smile
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