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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
'What is it with me that people dislike?  I help, I am fun, I joke around, and I save peoples' lives.  I don't understand.'  Jack continues to cook, whipping up a western omelette for himself. 

After finishing the omelette and cleaning up the kitchen, Jack heads out where-ever his feet take him.
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Satisfied that he got his point across, Johnny doesn't say anything else.  It wasn't his style to come on so strong.  For the most part he had no Quarrel with Demi.  Both her and Roslyn couldn't help what happened to them but he loved Roslyn and it was her welfare that he was most concerned.  Johnny just didn't want her to get hurt.

Johnny returns to the dining room and takes a seat.  He just listens to the conversations going on while he thinks about how worried he is for his girlfriend.
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An angry-looking shadow-Aurum carrying a half-full plate nearly runs into Jack as he's leaving the kitchen. With a glower, she stops and waits from him to get out of the doorway, then she goes into the kitchen to dump her food and wash her dishes.
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Malcolm looks up as Johnny enters.


"T..The others were telling me ab..bout the danger room, and that you could run it. Do you think the P..Professor could give you permission to show us?"
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An angry faced Jack strides out of the kitchen with purpose and almost runs over Aurum.  Glowering at Dark-Aurum in disdain, he leaves with a 'pfft whatever' kind of attitude.
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"What's with everyone having a bug up their butts this morning," Graffiti asks the people at the table.  "I know last night kind of sucked but at least we found out what happened to Demi and Canker.  That should count for something."
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Johnny nods, "I'm sure the Professor wouldn't mind.  We can check it out in a little while after Mr X let's us know what's going on today."
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"he might have plans for us today? I thought we were sorta on our own cuz of the holiday?"
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"He might or he might not," Miranda replies. "After last night he might want to keep us busy while he talks with Roslyn. Or he might want to speak with all of us."


Saleem looks at Porsche and says, "So where would you like to start the tour? Some areas require a special pass key but there is still plenty to see!"

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
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- Kitchen -

Just finishing up washing her dishes, Aurum suddenly looks toward the hallway, as if hearing something. Setting the dishes aside to dry, she heads through the hallway toward the Professor's office. As she does so, the shadows melt off her and she returns to her usual gold colors.
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