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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
Saleem ignores Porsche's comment about Jack and Canker.  His blood pressure was already rising and he didn't want to get upset again.  So instead he says, "Well you're new here so I guess I could show you around unless you have something else in mind."
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"A tour!! That'd be awesome."

She smiles at him.
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The shadowy form of Aurum sits alone in the Student Lounge, eating her breakfast with uncharacteristic enthusiasm.
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Interface walks into the kitchen and when he sees Jack he asks, "Have you seen Roslyn?"  Assuming Jack tells him what has been going on, he nods and just says, "Ok," and then leaves the room.  

Silver circuitry creeps out from around his eyes and after a few moments he changes direction and enters the student lounge.  Seeing Aurum's shadowy form stuffing her face, Johnny stops and leans against the doorway then says, "So, ya hijacked Roslyn again, eh?  At least you're feeding 'er.  Just take it easy on the food.  It's still Roslyn's body and her stomach isn't used ta huge meals.  You're going to end up giving her a bad dose [sick] and puking yer face off."
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Gedeon greets people as they come through the kitchen, handing things to people if she just happened to be in the way of the person getting their desired item themselves.

When Jack answers her question, she starts to nod as she continues preparing her food. But when he blurts out his apology, she doesn't look at him or respond in any way. She just finishes up what she was doing and joins the others in the dining room, sitting happily between Trevor and Malcolm.

She just listens to the conversation and munches on her fruit.
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 - Student Lounge - 

Aurum stops eating and levels her gaze at Johnny. She lets what Johnny said sit in the air long enough to be slightly awkward, before dropping her gaze again. "You must be the boy, then. I'm assuming that's why you grabbed me last night..." She takes a deep breath. "I'd think of it less as a hi-jacking, and more as a passenger grabbing the wheel before the driver steers the car and everyone in it off a cliff. I have a certain amount of self-interest in keeping your girl alive, which she apparently lacks."

She smirks. "Thanks for the advice. And I'll also thank you to not ever touch me like that, when I'm driving. You didn't know, the first time. Now you do."
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Johnny ignores her jabs and replies, "Don't worry, my feelings are for Roslyn only.  I have no interest in tha spook which haunts her. Just remember that you ARE only a passenger.  That's Roslyn's body and you will respect it while you're 'driving.'  I'm sure the professor will want to speak with you both today.  Hopefully Mr. X will get this sorted out and get ya back your body before Roslyn stars on her very own episode of, My 400 Pound Life."
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She is just as unphased by Johnny's return fire. "That might hurt more if it wasn't how she already sees herself."
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"I wasn't trying to be hurtful," Johnny replies.  "I was being truthful.  With you stuffing HER face, Roslyn is going to be even more upset when she wakes up, which will be soon.  Do you really believe that she is going to want to keep you around if you're making her sick all the time.  With each bite you're driving that nail into your coffin.  The professor could easily lock you away or if Roslyn asked, I would be delighted to invent some tech that would keep you from hurting her ever again."  He then smirks and says, "What I think is interesting, you seem to know a lot about what Roslyn feels but she doesn't seem to know much about you.  That makes me think yer talking out yer arse."  Johnny's face suddenly becomes gravely serious, "Believe me when I say, I'm not.  The only person I care about in this situation is Roslyn.  You play nice an we will all get along.  You hurt her an yer days are numbered."
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She just stares at him with an even, slightly annoyed gaze as he makes his speech. When he stops, she asks, "Are you done? Because I certainly am." She stands up and grabs her plate. "Suddenly, I've lost her appetite."
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