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17. Temple of Brigh:
[OoC: Gurkagh I don't see a description of you anywhere. ]

"I'm quite sorry, Gurkagh," the priest replies apologetically.  "You both look quite physically strong.  So I just assumed...  Oh well, no one's perfect, I suppose.  Do either of you have any questions?"
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(08-27-2019, 01:33 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: Gurkagh I don't see a description of you anywhere. ]

"I'm quite sorry, Gurkagh," the priest replies apologetically.  "You both look quite physically strong.  So I just assumed...  Oh well, no one's perfect, I suppose.  Do either of you have any questions?"

[OoC will get one written into the"character sheet ' when I can get a chance... dirty, unkempt,   often painted with tribal paint or ashes wearing armour of stitched hides, and carrying primitive looking weapons]
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"Do you know where we might find the remaining adventurers?"
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[OoC: The original Gurkaph was 6'2", 240 pounds, with blue eyes and brown hair.  Are you still going with those stats?]

(09-15-2019, 02:42 AM)Seaven Wrote: "Do you know where we might find the remaining adventurers?"

The priest opens his mouth to speak when two women and a man stroll into the room.  They're all soaking wet and unkempt with both women sporting bruises.  Obviously they've not had a good day.

"Well here they are," the priest says to Seaven. "Well at least some of them.  Half of them?"  Addressing @Reawyn , @Eva Morningtide and @Cin-Ezra Oovalli "What happened?  Where are the others?  I hope nothing tragic happened to them.  Does anyone else need healing?"  The priest moves to the women's side and heals them both.  Their bruises vanish.
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"We did not lose anyone. They all just decided they had no taste for it and left as soon as we were free of the pond."

"We did retrieve the remains of some of the members of  prior expeditions"
He gestures behind them, "We left them in the portico with hopes your acolytes could see to them, before you let their family and friends know they are returned for funerary rites."

"We will need to rest and recuperate before we go back down, and we will need that water breathing charm again when we do. We have still not found an alternate entrance or egress."

"We have a few items which we thought you might like to study and help us determine the function of as well. I suspect we will need them back, but they are yours to study while we prepare for our next trip down.  We have some salvage we will need to sell so we can re-equip."

Then he remembers another point.  "Have there been any reinforcements?"  He glances at the swordsman, but does not even spare a glance at the primitive.
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(09-18-2019, 01:01 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: "Well here they are," the priest says to Seaven. "Well at least some of them.  Half of them?"  Addressing @Reawyn , @Eva Morningtide and @Cin-Ezra Oovalli "What happened?  Where are the others?  I hope nothing tragic happened to them.  Does anyone else need healing?"  The priest moves to the women's side and heals them both.  Their bruises vanish.

Thank you father. Who are these newcomers?
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"I am Gurkagh." He looks Eva up and down, his eyes wide with curiosity. "You are not living? Yet I sense spirit within you, so you are alive... how wondrous... how is this possible? Truly amazing."
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(09-28-2019, 06:57 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: "I am Gurkagh." He looks Eva up and down, his eyes wide with curiosity. "You are not living? Yet I sense spirit within you, so you are alive... how wondrous... how is this possible? Truly amazing."

Yes, I'm amazing. I know. - she is smiling for a moment - My name is Eva Morningtide.
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The Priest asks for the clergy to see to the bodies and then replies to the Alchemist, "Of course, my water breathing spell is at your disposal.  I always prepare two so if you return before the first's time runs out, I can recast the spell whenever you choose."

At the mention of the items found that could be studied, the priest asks, "I would be most honored to take a look at whatever relics you find in the caves."

The priest allows the two newcomers to introduce themselves.  One says his name is Gurkaph (Do you pronounce this GUR-kaf?) and the other states his name is Seaven (SEE-ven?).  

"Both appear to be sturdy and will no doubt be able to add some much needed muscle to your band."
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