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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
Zero flies over to G-21 and vocabulates, "As the medical droid here I order you to not attack. I don't want anyone harmed. These humanoids are here to aid you." 

[Deception/Persuasion: [1d20+7] = 16+7 = 23; Not sure which skill Zero would need.  Both skills are the same bonus.  Zero isn't really lying cuz for the moment they are there to help them stop the Troopers from getting away on the ship.]
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(07-28-2019, 04:27 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: Zero flies over to G-21 and vocabulates, "As the medical droid here I order you to not attack. I don't want anyone harmed. These humanoids are here to aid you." 

[Deception/Persuasion: [1d20+7] = 16+7 = 23; Not sure which skill Zero would need.  Both skills are the same bonus.  Zero isn't really lying cuz for the moment they are there to help them stop the Troopers from getting away on the ship.]

Now is the subjective part.. you have to decide, doe Zero think the group he is with will spare the troopers after the Imperial ship is secure, or does he think this band of misfits will turn on the guards?  It is an internal RP decision for you. I need to know which skill you apply because the effects are different.

Either way both will be full-round actions, so as DM fiat I will allow you to use two standard action, meaning this rounds action, plus next rounds standard action.

[Image: SJWeRV5m.jpg]
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[OoC: Zero has not seen any evidence that these people are murderous scoundrels.  They have the Aqualish with them and they could have threatened to kill him if he didn't tell them the info they wanted by they didn't.  They could have just started shooting these guards from behind but instead they want to temporarily join them. So I think he would be trying to persuade the guards rather than bluff. ]
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(07-30-2019, 06:50 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [OoC: Zero has not seen any evidence that these people are murderous scoundrels.  They have the Aqualish with them and they could have threatened to kill him if he didn't tell them the info they wanted by they didn't.  They could have just started shooting these guards from behind but instead they want to temporarily join them. So I think he would be trying to persuade the guards rather than bluff. ]

Change Attitude
As a Full-Round Action, you can make a Persuasion check to adjust the attitude of a creature with in Intelligenceof 2 or higher using words, body language, or a combination of the two. The target must be able to see you. Apply a modifier to the check based on the target's current attitude to you (See table below). If the check equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, the target's Attitude shifts one step in your favor. If the target creature cannot understand your speech, apply a -5 penalty on your Persuasion check. You may attempt to change the Attitude of a given creature only once per encounter.

Hostile -10 Takes risks to harm you, usually attacking on sight
Unfriendly -5 Wishes you ill, but won't go out of it's way to harm you
Indifferent -2 Regards you as neither a threat nor an ally, and probably doesn't attack you
Friendly +0 Wishes you well, but won't take life-threatening risks on your behalf
- Takes risks to help you

The guards did not start shooting immediately, so Zeo hopes they are unfriendly, he shall find out the results of his action next round after his second Standard action

The next group of guards opens fire on the droids, focussing their attacks on the droid manning the repeating blaster again.
They all miss thanks to the cover provided by the landing platform.

.@Shunna, .@Callie,@Ubi, Njon, .@Dez, and the Zabrak are next
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[OoC:  I would like to point out that as the base doctor and this is MY persuasion check, that there is no reason for them to start out as hostile or even unfriendly toward me.  If the person who helps to keep you alive says to you that he brought in some people to help you it would be highly unlikely that you would be hostile toward that person, especially since they could have, but didn't, start shooting at you from behind.  Just saying... ]
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(08-01-2019, 10:51 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [OoC:  I would like to point out that as the base doctor and this is MY persuasion check, that there is no reason for them to start out as hostile or even unfriendly toward me.  If the person who helps to keep you alive says to you that he brought in some people to help you it would be highly unlikely that you would be hostile toward that person, especially since they could have, but didn't, start shooting at you from behind.  Just saying... ]

Except they know about he escaped miners remember.. it's all over the coms, including the killing of FOG on the HoloNet broadcast. So they know who you've brought.. but it seems like they are hoping you will help them, not attack. So just maybe... you get to wait for the result lol
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"Well here goes nothing..."

Shunna hopes they listen to their medical droid and dashes for the stairs.  

[OoC: Shunna double moves to B-35]
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Dez rolls her shoulders, giving her neck a crack, as if limbering up for a wrestling match, then races after Shunna.. reaching D33.
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The rest of the group decides they better get involved and  race into the room, while Njon moves to follow Shunna and Dez down the stairs.

Finally Zero can see with his sensors the zabrak is dragging the aqualish forward and up the stairs from the tunnel, struggling  bit as the aqualish tries to resist moving forward.

Then the docking gun on the shuttle fires. , completely missing its target of Guard G.

[Image: kCsE98vm.jpg]

23.07 KX-Series Security Droids
23.041 Station Security C (Guards G+H)
23.04 imp. StormTroopers
19.04 Station Security A (Guards A-F)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards I-L)
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.096 Njon
14.091 Dez
14.090 'the Zabrak'
14.02 Lambda Shuttle Docking Gun
8.03 aqualish tech

Round Five

The  droid manning the repeating blaster levels it at the two guards venturing towards the landing platform and opens fire. Amid the hail of withering autofire they are brutally cut down

The other two droids continue to whittle away at the docking clamp with their blasters.

Guard A delays, listening to Zero, and deciding what to do.

Guard D continues to fire at the droid on the repeating blaster, again missing by mere inches.

Zero's turn
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[OoC: If Zero moves to L-31 can he see the droids?  The Droid at K-50 is within point-blank range.]
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