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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Ningalu is a silent shadow as he slips from hi s hiding spot by the mast, among the various ropes and rigging along the deck, to a better spot by the rail.

[Hide [1d20+17] = 17+17 = 34; Move Silently [1d20+19] = 14+19 = 33]
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[Blur Miss chance Target 1 [1d10] = 9; Target 2 [1d10] = 6]
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Selina scrabbles about as Tomeal heroically swings down and grabs her, instinctively wrapping her armored arms and legs around him, her amber, snake-slitted eyes wide with fright at the close brush with (in her mind) certain Death.  When she finally does calm down, her breathing rate decreases to a more manageable level and she looks at him in a more focused way as he has to repeat his question.  Her response is simply.

"I am now."

[[Honestly unsure what exactly Selina can do at this point other than wait to be pulled up.]]
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I finally had time to check a tutorial to refresh my memory on how to use roll20.  It's not perfect but it should do the trick.  It's a pain in the butt finding an image of the creatures that doesn't completely disappear into the background.   Dodgy   Sorry that it seems a little blurry.  I haven't figured out how to export the image out of Roll20 yet.  (Apparently there is no way to export a map out of Roll 20  Dodgy  ]

The tokens holding up their right arms are sailors.
The token with the blond hair beside Betimi is the captain
The token beside Kee is Simon
The tokens dressed in purple are guards
The token above Ning is his brother Nang (Ning and Nang)
The token to the right of Selina is the Dog (Kee's cheetah is down below)

[Image: YRodxYj.jpg]
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I should be at the railing as per my action in my turn, I moved from the mast to the rail.
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(03-11-2019, 11:26 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: I should be at the railing as per my action in my turn, I moved from the mast to the rail.

Please indicate the letter and number of the square you are moving to.  I will update at the beginning of the round.
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[OoC1: @BetimiIt is very unlikely that the creatures will move close enough to each other for you to take advantage of your Ricochet ability.  They're moving in 3 dimensions so they don't need to cluster together unless they move into melee with one of you.]

[OoC2:  Everyone who has Knowledge Planes can make a check to figure out what these creatures are. ]
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ooc Well if I'm not mistaken blur means miss chance but not against magic missile. So Nacesh knows that an ice dagger may miss but also that magic missile would not take them down. So ice dagger it is, please roll me miss chance.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
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Ningalu will move with his stealth (Hide + move soi;lent as noted prior) to I6
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[Knowledge: Planes [1d20+6] = 15+6 = 21]

Unable to use her ricochet ability Betimi will instead move to the stern and shoot whatever foe gets within 15' of Tomreal and Selina.
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