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[IC] A Stolen Land
(09-13-2018, 05:08 AM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [[Many apologies for the delay.  RL has been very difficult for me.  Work+Class+Expectant Wife.  Will try to do better.]]

The kobolds seem to be resigned in guiding you somewhere near enough to their home, though it is easy to understand their reluctance.  They are being forced by outsiders to reveal their sanctuary.  Anyone would hesitate at the very least.  They lead you through the Narlmarches towards the Southwest first, growing a little jittery about something.  Before you can ask them why, you begin to hear a deep grunting noise in the underbrush.  There seems to be 4 distinct octaves to the grunting.

[[Orange square is the location you found the kobolds, rust line is the path they've chosen.]]
Ooc - Can Vidar discern what type of creature made the grunts?

[url= Knowledge Nature [1d20+1] = 20+1 = 21]Knowledge Nature[/url] Got lucky on that one! Big Grin

Vidar readies his battleaxe to charge down the first attacking creature.
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[[Gotta admit that was a pretty clutch Nature roll.]]

From the pitch and general sound of the grunting, and his obvious and apparent knowledge of the subject based on having slaughtered them before, Vidar can tell that the grunting is coming from 4 boars approaching through the thicket. These particular boars would be called razorbacks and, like the last ones the group encountered, are quite large and powerful.
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[OoC: Is this the same day as when we scared away the wolves?  So we haven't rested? If we haven't... ]

Nexendia begins gracefully twisting her delicate, nimble, fingers into arcane shapes while whispering, "Berlua Mas Mayat!"  For the briefest of moments, a shimmering aura of force resembling breastplate flashes into existence around her body, then vanishes.  

[Nex casts Armor spell upon herself;  AC +4; Duration: 1hour.]

"I only have defensive spells available so their won't be any buckets to pull over the enemy's eyes." 
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Valdi slides off his horse on the side towards the boars [Free action], dropping the crossbow and switching to his bardiche [move action], then creates a Blast rune blessing in front of him.

He has no idea if the others will listen, but this group needs a battle commander. The last fight with boars proved it. 
"Lady Nex get behind me. Valdi, Toushou, either side of me and you hit them just when they hit the reach of my axe. Eran, if you could make me bigger before they get here, I'd be grateful, it will make me their target and I will have one hell of a reach [Enlarge +bardiche = 20' reach]. Happs, do not wait.. the moment you see them start filling the lead one with arrows, but get behind me, use the horses for cover. We may end up walking but I'd rather a dead horse than a dead comrade. ."

Ride: Fast Dismount [1d20-3] = 17-3 = 14
[Fast Mount or Dismount: You can attempt to mount or dismount from a mount of up to one size category larger than yourself as a free action, provided that you still have a move action available that round. If you fail the Ride check, mounting or dismounting is a move action. You can’t use fast mount or dismount on a mount more than one size category larger than yourself.],  

[Blast Rune (minor): At 1st level, you can create a blast rune in any adjacent square. Any creature entering this square takes an amount of damage equal to 1d6 + 1/2 your warpriest level. This rune deals either acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, designated when you create the rune. The rune is invisible, and lasts a number of rounds equal to your warpriest level or until discharged. You cannot create a blast rune in a square occupied by another creature. This rune counts as a 1st-level spell for the purposes of dispelling. It can be discovered with a successful DC 26 Perception skill check and disarmed with a successful DC 26 Disable Device skill check.]
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Tushou agree with Valdi and nods.
The defensive formation worked against wolves.

Vidar  | empty | Valdi | empty | Tushou
1. horse | Happs |  Nex  | Andra | 2.horse
1. horse | Eran and kobolds        | 2.horse 
                   more horses

Kobolds, behind us - he says in draconic
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Vidar follows suit and forms up with his brother after dismounting his horse. "The Kobolds will be feasting tonight! Hahaha" He jests.
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The grunting becomes steadily louder until you all see four dark shapes emerge steadily from the underbrush. They look at the larger horses as potential meals as their bloodshot eyes seem to glare into each of yours. The horses, for their parts, don't seem too fazed, bred and trained for war as they are.

[[Will update this when I can. Caring for a newborn takes a bit out of you if you've never done it consistently as I haven't.]]
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Valdi waits, his attack readied, hoping Eran enlarges him before they arrive within reach.
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[OoC:  I'm assuming we are going to need to roll initiative...

Initiative: +11; result: 12;  Wow... Really... A ONE AGAIN!   Dodgy ]
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[[Yes, please roll initiative.]]
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