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[IC] Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree
Those passing the void find themselves at one end of a wide and tall cavern passage. The walls seem to be natural but they are richly adorned by nonfigurative carvings. Some of them remind the party of elvish  script, others of dwarven runes, but not actual ones, just similar in style.

Those that can see far enough in the darkness notice a fork to the right in about 100 feet and this hallway continues running with a very slight curve to the left.

There is tension in the silence that reigns in this place, as if air itself would tremble.
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SG is looking for tracks in the cavern passage, take20 (survival: 25).
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There are no tracks on the dry, hard surface but the floor is somewhat worn smooth so that the ranger can tell it is (or at least was) in use quite a lot.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
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OOC - Shanna the loremaster examines the scripts Smile

SG sighs. Come on forward.
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Shanna checks the scripts and ends up thinking that these are not tied to any language or any writing that she's ever encountered before. Might be some cryptograph, or just some doodles but in that case pretty much effort is placed into them.
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What's this places? - SG is asking while readies his bow then moves forward "silently".  He is looking up, right, left, forward, etc.

SG [1d20+4] = 2+4 = 6 move silently

OOC - Shanna k.planes check?
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OOC - You may give hints what a DMPC should attempt to do. I decide what should be rolled. Smile
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(07-30-2018, 02:46 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: OOC - You may give hints what a DMPC should attempt to do. I decide what should be rolled. Smile

OOC - Shanna should think about on what kind of plane are we now and in what time. Smile

IC - SG just moves. Smile
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Shanna looks around carefully and gets immersed in the flow of fascinating new runes.
"Where are we? When are we?" she singsongs, apparently unaware of the rest of her surroundings.

Giant pushes forward (assumably followed closely by Torin), and can see that the fork to the left is a dead end while the fork to the right narrows down a bit but continues forward beyond a bend.
The stonelike spellsinger casually follows Torin, keeping an eye on the surroundings as if he were the dwarf's bodyguard.
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He is looking for tracks in both directions and checks the dead end first.
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