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[IC] Into Barovia
[OoC: Mardigan kind of reminded me about our mounts attacking too.  Can they?]
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Ooc - at least no one has died yet! Maybe the wargs were scared off?
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(Yes, if you're mount is under control, they may attack.  If your mount takes damage, you'll need another control roll.  You can make your mounts' attack rolls.  If you don't have the stats available, just say so.  )

Mardigan:  Mardigan realizes that the battle is too mixed for a web spell and sends his Magic Missiles into a pair of worgs.  Each one goes down with a yelp.

Alynorae:  Aly comes up behind a worg.  Her blade cleaves through a spine, and ending the beast.

Sumayl:  Only Sumayl's training and expertise kept him in the saddle as his mount bucked wildly.

Tinarawen:  Tinarawen's scimitar is a blur as it opens a wound in a worg's side.

The remaining worgs continue their attacks.  One gets his jaws deep into the haunch of Aly's mount, causing it to buck.  (-8 hp)

party [1d6] = 2,worgs [1d6] = 3 
(I was hoping the party would when.  I'm out of time, but go ahead and post your actions)
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[OoC: My horse was bit so I think I need to make a ride check.  Roll=17.  I'm pretty sure that's a fail with Wis -3 (14).  So Aly falls off her horse and takes 1d6 damage.]

[OoC: I reread Riding Land Based and it says if "the character takes damage," they need to make a check but it was my horse that took damage so I'm saved!  Whew! ]

Aly hacks at the worg that's attacking her horse.

[OoC2: (Longsword THAC0 is 8); Roll: 18; Damage: 15; I'm pretty sure that's a hit. ]
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Tina's horse runs off, a warg nipping at it's heels. Another one leaps up and crushes the throat of Mardigan's horse. (Ride check to land safely) A warg ducks under Aly's sword to tear out her horse's throat. (Ride check to land safely)
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"Ha-Hah! Two down only.... Whoah!" Mardigan goes from jubilation to terror as his horse's throat is prematurely torn from it's throat, sending horse and rider to the ground.

Ooc - How many Wargs are left?  In any event Mardigan will cast his shield spell on himself if he can do so safely.

Ooc2 - Does the name Warg imply werewolf? Can I make a roll to identify what these things are? Any weaknesses?

[url=Ride Check [1d20] = 8]Ride[/url]
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Tina's sword is a blur as it swings back and forth to keep the warg at bay.

attack [1d20] = 14, damage [1d6] = 1
attack [1d20] = 8, damage [1d6] = 3
(+4 to hit and damage)
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[OoC: Riding, Land-based: Wisdom -3 (14); Result: 6; Success! ]
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Both Tina and Mardigan are suddenly overcome with fear causing them to flee!  The wargs instinctively breaks off their attacks from the group and chase the two of them off into the mists.  As soon as they enter the mists the screaming and howling suddenly stops.
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Sumayl looks at Alynorae.  He swings back up into the saddle of his horse. "We should go after them. This mist is so blasted thick though,, grab this rope."

He ties one end of the rope to his saddle, expecting her to tie the rope to her saddle as well.
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