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Missing Caravan
I'm going to assume that Jonath motions to everyone that he doesn't hear anything.  He checks for any possible snares or traps around the door and doesn't notice anything.  Gently nudging the door with a stick, it opens slightly to reveal overturned office type furniture and more blood.  When he decides to look further, Jonath pushes the door open a little more and now he sees a guard pinned under a desk.  From where you are standing, you can't tell if he's dead or alive.
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Satisfied that there doesn't seem to be any immediate danger, Jonath motions for the others to approach then moves into the building, going immediately to the guard to to determine if he still lives and, if so, what he can do to help him.
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Betimi creeps  forward, and then quickly crosses the road to the door. She stops in the doorway, shard ready in hand to throw at anything that makes any sort of hostile movement toward Jonath.
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Jonath enters the guardhouse and approaches the fallen guard.  Pushing the desk off of him and checking for signs of life, you realize that by the grace of the gods or some other miracle he was barely clinging to life.  There are 2 other guards slumped over in the corner but with one having a bloody, piercing, entrance and exit wound, on either side of her throat and the other has brain oozing out his eye socket, you doubted they survived.
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Wanders closer with Beast in tow, wondering if everything is alright.  He would call out but it would alert any kind of potential foes to his presence.
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[OoC is Selina with us? if so Betimi will quietly gesture at Selina and then, attempt to wave her over to join her in the doorway.]

Seeing Mardak approach she nods at him, hoping he will take the clue and cover Jonath. She then moves from the doorway and circles the building, quietly, hoping to spot anything that looks amiss, like footprints or tracks.

[Spot Spot [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13]
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Jonath kneels next to the man, inspecting his wounds to see if there was any way he could help. He had no special skill in the healing arts, but some things were obvious enough that even a layman could render some aid, while hoping that someone else with more advanced skills would arrive to help.

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[OoC: I haven't heard anything from Selina since her message.  So I don't have any clue what she's doing.  If I don't hear something soon, I'm just going to create an NPC.]

Jonath is unsure how to treat the man's wounds.  Perhaps all of you could combine your efforts to save the man.

As the Gnome is checking the guard, Betimi circles the building looking for clues. 

[OoC: Betimi needs to make spot, search and Survival checks.]
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Fearing the man will die without some aid, and sensing his companions drawing near, Jonath calls out. "There's a wounded guard here, he needs help, more than I can provide alone." He stays with the man, but at least positions himself to be facing the door, still wary that whoever had done this may still be nearby.
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[OoC adding Search and Survival checks to the earlier Spot]

[Search [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13  and Survival [1d20+1] = 15+1 = 16]
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