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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Preoccupied with her meal for a moment, Nightingale missed the first shouts of danger. Eventually she looked up and saw people scampering away from the well as two giant spiders climbed out.

Dropping her utensils, the young half-elf grabs her baton and runs over to the well to hold up the spiders as best she can, following her mace swing with a swift knee to the face of the arachnid.

Initiative: 1d20+4 11
Nature: 1d20+2 13

Attack: 1d20+6 17
Mace Damage: 1d6+4 7

Unarmed Attack: 1d20+6 26 (Crit)
Unarmed Damage: 2d4+4 10 (Crit Damage)
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Arius takes a swallow of his wine, bracing himself then decides that perhaps rushing the creatures would not be the wisest maneuver he quickly unfurls his whip and lashes at the lead spider.

Initiative [1d20+4] = 12+4 = 16
Nature [1d20+1] = 7+1 = 8

Whip Attack: [1d20+6] = 14+6 = 20, Whip Damage [1d4+6] = 3+6 = 9, reach
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Athos and Leloth realized that likely the spiders were drawn out of the dungeons by lack of food. Meaning whatever adventurers were down there have likely perished from something larger than they.  Secondly they distinctly remember that the things have a fairly rough poison that accompanies their already dangerous bite. 

Nightingale vaguely recalls these things are quite poisonous and have been known to drop men in one bite. 

Kriv and  Arius don't recall anything about these nasty brutes other than they looked rather disgusting. 


Leloth casts a spell and the spiders are suddenly enveloped in a soft violet glow making it easier to target them in the gloom of the common room. 

Kriv lights one of the spiders up with a bolt of fire staggering it slightly and drawing it's attention. 

Athos sends a flickering spark of lightning from his palm just after further shaking the beast. 

Nightingale jumps into action after the magic softened up the first creature. Her mace cracked it's armor, but her knee strike burst the creatures head open sending it twitching to the floor. 

Seeing the first spider fall, Arius holding a glass of wine in one hand and a whip in the other, slashes the second spider brutally across the back of its armor. The whip drew up a bit of what looks to be green blood from a neat slice in the creatures bulbous rear. The attack draws the attention of the spider and bears down upon Arius. 

The Giant Spider snaps at Arius as the fighter drew the creatures ire. It snaps its mandibles onto Arius thigh cutting a decent size slash in the nobleman's leg. It burns almost instantly.

(DM - Arius take 4 points of damage and roll a Constitution save.)

[Image: LulL7q8.png]

(Giant Spider 1 | Dead |)
Initiative1d20+3 = 9
(Giant Spider 2 | AC 14 | 17 / 26 | Bite +5; 1d8+3; DC 11 Con save or 2d8 Poison Damage)

Initiative: 1d20+3 = 4
Bite Attack: 1d20+5 = 17 - Hit!
Bite Attack Damage: 1d8+3 = 4
Dex Save1d20+3 = 4

(DM - Turn ends, The players have the initiative and Advantage on the Giant Spider. Post your Actions for the Second Round.)
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[Constitution Save [1d20+5] = 12+5 = 17]

Arius winces at the pain from the bite in his thigh, feeling the burning spread through his leg.

"Well that was just plain rude, spoiling our pleasant evening."

Having lost the reach advantage of the whip, but unwilling to risk bending to pick up his rapier, he steps back to draw the foul vermin further from the well so that more people could get a clear shot at it. Once he has a clear space betweem him and the spider he lashes it with the whip, ripping cruelly into it's carapace.

[Whip Attack (advantage) [1d20+6] = 3+6 = 9, [1d20+6] = 20+6 = 26, Damage [1d4+6] = 4+6 = 10] CRITICAL - Critical Damage [1d4] = 2 = Total Damage 12!]

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Kriv seeing the first creature go down, begins casting again. He takes his time calming himself and finding his center hoping that helps his aim then he releases the fire bolt from his hand again at the beast. 

Attack 1d20+6=24
Damage: 1d10=7
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Smiling beneath her mask, Nightingale approaches the remaining spider from the side, hoping to distract it from lashing out at anyone else.

She again swings her baton at the giant arachnid, aiming for one of his many legs before following it up with a downwards spike with the heel of her foot.

Baton Attack: 1d20+6 9
Advantage Baton Attack: 1d20+6 20
Baton Damage: 1d6+4 6

Unarmed Attack: 1d20+6 10
Advantage Unarmed Attack: 1d20+6 19
Unarmed Damage: 1d4+4 6
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The onslaught on the creature was so perfect that Athos imagined he didn't need to strike the spider again so he shifted his focus. Seeing Arius take a bit of damage the druid moves up behind the man and lays a hand on his shoulder keeping away from the fangs of the Spider. With defense in mind just in case the thing isn't dead yet, Athos weaves a spell on the fighter to mend some of his wounds.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+4 = 9
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It was quickly apparent that the glowing aura that Leloth had placed on the creature made it quite a bit easier to take down. 

Arius draws the creature away from the well and as he does he spots an opening in the creatures defenses and screwers it fully. The beast drops to the wooden floor quite dead, just as bolt of fire from Kriv and several hard cracks from Nightingale smash into its twitching body for good measure. 

It was a good sign that it died even before Kriv and Nightingale delivered more punishment to the monster. 

As Arius tried not to show the pain in his leg once the threat was gone, but at that moment he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. An invigorating surge of energy washed through him and the pain from the bite abruptly vanished. He glanced back to see the elven gentleman, Athos give him a reassuring nod.

Everyone in the Inn gives a resounding cheer for the five adventurers as the battle comes to an end. 

[Image: LulL7q8.png]

(Giant Spider 1 Dead |)

(Giant Spider 2 | Dead |)

Combat Ended

(DM - Arius - you are fully healed, with only two fang sized tears in the thigh of your trousers to show that anything untoward happened.

(DM - Everyone - make sure you have your spent spells recorded in your signatures.) 
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As the spiders fall to the ground lifeless, Leloth walks forward looking at what the spiders might have eaten and dropped. Then looking toward the now empty tables near the well, she heads over and looks at what others might have dropped in their haste. "Hopefully I find something worth our troubles or, at very least, a round of drinks for my new found friends."

Perception: 1d20+2 14
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Arius steps forward while coiling his whip, then bends down to pick up his rapier. Sheathing he turns to face Athos.

"My thanks for the healing magic my friend. Ruined a perfectly good pair of trousers that did."  He smiles and turns to walk over to  look down the gaping well.

To Leloth he says, "See anything?"
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