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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
(04-17-2018, 03:16 AM)Ubi Sunt Wrote:
(04-16-2018, 08:02 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: "Ummm... is it possible someone uses or fiddles with one of the radios in the helmet to use it to contact your friend out there?"

"I might be able to but what about that Imperial shuttle?  Shouldn't we try to get to it just in case?  The Stormtroopers were fleeing that way."
  He points down the corridor. "I saw a shaft leading up and another set of doors worth checking out."  

(mechanic +8 to adjust comms)  

Ooc - DMPC Ubi if you need to keep things moving, Posting will be difficult for me the next few days.

Ubi examines the helmet quickly, amnd can immediately tell that it has a short-rangge comm-link built in, no beetter than his hand-held unit in range, just hands free. The issue with contacting Long is not that there is anything wrong with Ubi's comm-link, it is likely that Long is simply out of range. Given that Long's message is a recorded loop being played by the station's docking facility computer rather than by the Wildcard's comms, Long is not likely even within range of a long range comm-link, otherwise the loop would not be needed. Something even longer range, like a subspace transceiver, would be needed to reach him. 

Quote:Short-range Comlinks have a range of 50 kilometers or low orbit, and they can be built into helmets and Armor; for example, Stormtrooper Armor includes a helmet equipped with a Short-Range Commlink.

A Long-Range Comlink has a range of 200 kilometers or high orbit, and it requires with a backpack-sized Comset. For double the cost, a Long-Range Comlink can be miniaturized to a wrist-sized unit.

A subspace transceiver has a range measured in light years.
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"What do you want with the Imperial shuttle?  That message didn't have the intended effect, but it still gets a lot of stormtroopers out of our hair.  There's still plenty of slaver scum left to skill.  I want to make sure all the prisoners here are freed."
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[OoC: I had this conversation about saving everyone when Nerdred was the DM and I feel he was strongly advising me against it but now that Vitkyng is the DM is it something that would be advisable to do?  ]

"I am all for saving the slaves,"  Shunna replies.  "There's a lot of them.  Many could die just trying to help them escape.  We would need to be very careful..."

[OoC: Use The Force: +15; Search Your Feelings: DC 15 (See Spoiler); Result: Automatic; To determine if attempting to save the slaves would yield favorable or unfavorable results. ] 
As a Full-Round Action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force check to determine whether an action will yield favorable or unfavorable results to you in the immediate future (10 minutes or less). For example, you can make the check to determine whether destroying a Dark Side artifact will have immediate unforeseen repercussions. The answer does not take into account the long term consequences of a contemplated action. Using the above example, a successful check would not portend a future encounter with vengeful darksiders angered by the destruction of the dark side artifact. (The GM must assess the immediate consequence of the action, based on what he or she knows about the circumstances).
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Searching her feelings Shunna senses that attempting to free all the slaves now would only put them in danger, in fact there is no way to get them all off the Rock that she knows of...

Ubi speaks up, interjecting his thoughts.
"My Wildcard was the only hyperdrive equipped ship in the docking bays. I think that is why Holon Veil and Zann were both trying to make a play for her. Sounds like Holon is willing to kill Imperials to get his hands on their ship. I imagine an Imperial shuttle is hyperdrive capable. Not sure what deal Holon and Kratos had going on, but it seems Holon ended it."
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Shunna says, "I sense it is not wise to attempt to rescue the slaves at this moment. It will only put them in danger."

[OoC: Use The Force: +15; Search Your Feelings: DC 15; Result: Automatic; To determine if going after the Imperial Shuttle would yield favorable or unfavorable results. ]
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It seems that unless you can get in contact with the Long person that Ubi keeps talking about, the only way off the Rock is that shuttle.
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[OoC: That is what I assumed but I wanted to make sure.  ]

"Does anyone know the quickest way to get to the docking bay?"
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Ubi pipes up

"I do, but the Imperial shuttle is not there, Long said it was at some secondary docking bay. He saw it on a manifest when he was in he docking control tower but did not get me any more info. Also he said something about depressurizing the docking facility before we lost communications... he could not tell me where that secondary docking facility was, apparently it is not on the station schematics, just like this arena."
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"But that was my only reason for coming here. Can't we just keep killing pirates and take one of their ships? There must be other ships here."
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Ubi lnows that there were no other hyperdruve capable ships docked at the regular docking facility. This mysterious Imperial shuttle they are hearingon comms would be the only other hyperdrive capable ship, and it was at some secret second docking facility on the asteroid base.

Then Ubi remembers something that the droid long had don, swapping the fuel load on the Tug Harlot, a fast salvage tug that was captained by the pirate Zann. If Zann powered up his ship, who knew what would happen.
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