01-17-2018, 04:23 PM
It's a tough balancing act between keeping things moving but also staying consistent with the many rules. I think some of the best moments in a DnD game can happen when the rules are bent a little to propel the story along. For example, I had always thought the "Darkness" spell made an area pitch-black, like a thick milky darkness, until someone pointed out the actual wording of the spell. "This spell causes an object to radiate shadowy illumination out to a 20-foot radius. All creatures in the area gain concealment (20% miss chance). Even creatures that can normally see in such conditions (such as with darkvision or low-light vision) have the miss chance in an area shrouded in magical darkness." That day I learned it was possible to illuminate a dark cavern with Darkness
If I had followed the description of the spell previously though, the same guy who pointed out how this spell actually works would never had been able to beat the Orc chieftain, taken command of the tribe, reach level 12, and single handedly kill all my big bad bosses! His character would have died at level 6.
Pbp is nice for holding multiple conversations while the game still goes on and you have done a great job with keeping a dialogue open to discuss rules. Sometimes rules lawyering is fun too
But if things get fudged a little along the way I just say that it was Divine Intervention.
About Shanna's illusion, I think it was very clever! I think any movements that are meant as part of the illusion are inherent to the magic of the spell, so if the barrels were meant to move then they move. If an illusion spell requires concentration then the caster has to make those concentration checks but shouldn't prevent her from casting other spells. I was worried that illusions don't work on vermin because they are immune to mind-affecting effects, but illusions fall outside those effects
Because the Mantis are interacting directly with the illusion a +2 to disbelieve is within reason but not necessary per the description of the spell. Of course the spell implies that their is no will save unless it is interacted with. This what makes them powerful if used wisely! I think any disabling effects from having illusory barrels on your head should be no greater than other 1st level spell effects, like color spray (knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures)
Oddly enough, to disbelieve an illusion one has to still see it. So while the Mantis can see through the illusion they, like everyone else, still see what the illusion is. Speaking of seeing illusions, the entire party sees barrels on the Mantis heads unless SG is close enough that he's being eaten hehe.
Here's a question for you, if I handed an illusory torch to someone and they believe it is real, does it illuminate a dark place just because they believe it does?

Pbp is nice for holding multiple conversations while the game still goes on and you have done a great job with keeping a dialogue open to discuss rules. Sometimes rules lawyering is fun too

About Shanna's illusion, I think it was very clever! I think any movements that are meant as part of the illusion are inherent to the magic of the spell, so if the barrels were meant to move then they move. If an illusion spell requires concentration then the caster has to make those concentration checks but shouldn't prevent her from casting other spells. I was worried that illusions don't work on vermin because they are immune to mind-affecting effects, but illusions fall outside those effects

Oddly enough, to disbelieve an illusion one has to still see it. So while the Mantis can see through the illusion they, like everyone else, still see what the illusion is. Speaking of seeing illusions, the entire party sees barrels on the Mantis heads unless SG is close enough that he's being eaten hehe.
Here's a question for you, if I handed an illusory torch to someone and they believe it is real, does it illuminate a dark place just because they believe it does?